Mental holiday

Maaaan I’m gettin’ worked to the bone. Seriously it’s been a grind. There should be, like, laws against this. …Or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been averaging about 4hrs of sleep a night for the past week or so. Who can say? I probably need to start hitting the booze again. 🙃 Aaanyway, I

If you like porn…

Cue the spinning anime eyes—I’m once again all out of steam, folks. I think I need to try convincing my SO to let me be a stay-at-home girlfriend/full-time cat parent. Just think of all the time I’d have to write fanfic! Oh, what a dream… Anyway! Until I can sell him on that, I’m just

Brain Fuel

Apologies for the lack of posts recently – it’s been quite an emotional week (well, series of weeks, to be honest…), and I’m feeling very drained. D: I suppose this post is more of announcement, really. I think starting from here on out, I’m going to be *officially* taking the weekends off from posting –