Mental holiday

Maaaan I’m gettin’ worked to the bone. Seriously it’s been a grind. There should be, like, laws against this.

…Or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been averaging about 4hrs of sleep a night for the past week or so. Who can say? I probably need to start hitting the booze again. 🙃

Aaanyway, I should have some good stuff for y’all tomorrow! 😉 In the meantime, enjoy this sunset photo taken from a Florida beach garden, which I’ve been revisiting in order to keep my sanity.

Wish I was still here

On the subject of escapism, been reading Aberrancy by Speedy Tomato – hot stuff, if you can stand a little yaoicest (if not, the first several chapters are still a treat 😉)! But damn if it doesn’t get angsty toward the end…WHY?? I just want a fun sexy romp for Christ’s sake. (Oh the irony…)

Seriously though, y’all have been firing me up with the comments on Control! I’m headed off now to join the discussion. ‘Til tomorrow!


2 thoughts on “Mental holiday

  1. Let it not be said that I leave people wanting. I remembered a fic just as you wanted it. Fun sexy threesome romp, no angst and a little vouyerist Miroku on the side. Try Last Dance with Mary Jane by Danyealle-sama at Dokuga!!

    1. Lol yes! – thank you so much, Natalia! 😊 you’re the best!! Will definitely check out your other rec 😉


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