UlquiHime Favorites: Limónes De Las Noches

Honestly, I’m not a big fan of Bleach, but I found the Hueco Mundo arc to be completely captivating–mainly because of the interactions between Espada warden Ulquiorra Cifer and his busty prisoner Orihime Inoue.

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Ulquiorra x Orihime is one of my favorite pairings of all time, and delectate’s Limónes De Las Noches is one of my all-time favorite UlquiHime fics. It is, in fact, the very same glorious smutfic that inspired me to write my SessKag one-shot Center Stage!

The canon leaves a lot of room to speculate on what could have transpired between these two characters during Orihime’s incarceration in the hollow stronghold Las Noches. It’s an inherently sexy situation, and Limónes De Las Noches takes full advantage with its light S&M theme.

“Light” really is a good way to describe this fiction–I like to think of this genre as comedy porn. Or silly smut, if you will. Whatever you call it, this fanfic is a lighthearted romp in which Ulquiorra “supervises” Orihime’s attempts to alleviate her sleep deprivation via some manual stimulation. Of course, Orihime never intended for him to supervise…

The mortification she experiences upon being interrupted by him mid-stroke is positively squirm-tastic. But what’s so crack-ish and awesome about this story is how events spiral from there. Delectate does a phenomenal job of ratcheting up the action–and, dear gods, the tension–by degrees so that it all flows hilariously yet naturally.

When you arrive at the thigh-clenching end of this fanfic, what could have easily resulted in an OOC hook-up in the hands of a lesser author instead becomes an in-character erotic thrill-ride under delectate’s skillful pen. Because at the end of the day, what makes a fanfic awesome is loyalty to the characters we love. While the scenario in Limónes De Las Noches is totally nuts, Orihime & Ulquiorra remain true to themselves, and that is what makes this fanfic so irresistible.

The only bad thing about this story is that it is only one chapter long. While it can certainly stand on its own, delectate originally intended to continue it as part of a 30 Lemons Challenge. 29 more chapters of Limónes ?! Be still my beating heart!

Sadly, there is still just the one chapter. But who knows–maybe delectate will come back to it some day. In the meantime, fingers crossed!

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Bleach © Tite Kubo

4 thoughts on “UlquiHime Favorites: Limónes De Las Noches

  1. limones de las noches is an all time fav. i looove that pairing too, sadly the fandom is very quiet. have you ever written ulquihime? id love to read that pairing from you!! also the ooc stuff you said is totally true, i thought the same thing reading it.
    crush (on ao3) is an ulquihime mafia au that really got me, and im not a fan of mafias au. it has some good smut too, lol.

    1. aw thanks so much! i’ve considered writing ulquihime thought it would be a longfic so I’m a bit afraid! lol. but maybe someday. thanks again. I’ll have to check out crush – never heard of it before! thanks for the rec, girl! <3

    2. Hey girl! No I haven’t written any ulquihime but I’ve definitely tossed around some fic ideas in my head so maybe I’ll at least write a one-shot sometime!

      And thanks for the fic rec!! I hadn’t read crush before because typically I’m not a fan of AUs but I’m really digging it so far! 🙂

  2. it’d be lovely to read any ulquihime work you pull out <3 im really looking forward it if you give it a shot! and im glad that you liked the rec!!

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