Brain Fuel

Apologies for the lack of posts recently – it’s been quite an emotional week (well, series of weeks, to be honest…), and I’m feeling very drained. D:

I suppose this post is more of announcement, really. I think starting from here on out, I’m going to be *officially* taking the weekends off from posting – I’ll still be writing, of course :), but I don’t expect to post on Saturdays and Sundays, at least for a little while. I think this’ll give me the chance to replenish my creative energies and devote the time and attention needed to craft the chapters of longer stories like The Pact (part 22 is under construction, by the way! πŸ™‚ ).

Anywho, a million thanks to those of you who’ve enjoyed Transgressions and are looking forward to more! So am I!! πŸ˜€

In the meantime, I’ve been working through the list of some fav fics of mine that have been completed since I fell off the Fanfiction map 4 years ago! Currently, I’m back to being about halfway through Forthright‘s epic drabble fic Lord Charming, and man, is this story giving me a tremendous case of the warm-and-fuzzies! πŸ˜€ Such wonderful romantic comedy – truly an inspiration. So watch out, Transgressions epilogue – hahaha!

Have a lovely weekend, friends! I’ll see you on Monday…! <3

10 thoughts on “Brain Fuel

  1. i couldnt ask for more – lord charming as inspiration for the epilogue! <3 forthright is writing a new sesskag in her blog, btw. its adorable too.

    hope life gives you a rest! have a good weekend

    1. thanks so much, Junot! πŸ™‚ I’m getting there on Lord Charming – I think only ~200 more chapters left lol!

      I’ll have to check out forthy’s new series – glad she’s still writing these days!!

      Have a great weekend! <3

  2. I think you definitely deserve to break from the monotony. I would rather you have a plethora of creative juices to post during the week than daily. Rest up gal! I can’t wait for the next chapter of The Pact, Secretary, and what other greatness you decide to post☺️☺️

    1. Aww thanks so much, DevaG! Tremendously appreciate the support, as always! <3

      Recharging is good for everyone! I'm itching to write, write, write, but I believe it was Stephen King who said (at least I think it was him... D:): "Don't let the well run dry" So I'm trying to keep that in mind!

      Hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend yourself!! <3

  3. You deserve a break. Relax. Recharge and write when you feel like it.

    Posting an update everyday is exhausting but you did it. Kudos.

    I’m not sure I can keep reading Forthright’s latest series. I’m disappointed with this meandering tale to be honest. It reads disjointed at times, pacing is uber slow and there are holes in the plot. For instance, why did Tenseiga not save Sesshoumaru when Tessaiga hit him? Was Tenseiga already gone by then? Why is he not healing faster? He is a full-fledged demon for Pete’s sake.

    The reader is given no explanations and is expected to just go along for the ride.

    I asked myself several times what exactly was the point of the story and why I even continued reading it.

    1. thanks, Doug!! – recharging underway! Hoping to get out and enjoy the nice, lovely weather soon. Being out in nature does wonders for the imagination πŸ™‚

      I still can’t believe I followed through with the daily Transgressions series! It’s a wonderful feeling πŸ™‚ Seriously couldn’t have done it without y’all’s support <3

      Happy reading & hope you have a fantastic weekend, friend!! <3

  4. Taking weekends off is a very smart move. As much as I enjoy daily highlights, human beings aren’t meant to sustain 7 day work weeks. You deserve time off as much as the rest of us. ❀

    I think I only got about halfway through Lord Charming. I can’t remember why I quit, just something was annoying me…wait is that the fic where she has a highlighted word/phrase for every drabble? If so, that’s what annoyed me about it. I loved the content but forcing a word/phrase every update made me focus so hard on that word I couldn’t get lost in the story the way I like to. And I felt it often caused the characters to be ooc.

    Anyway, I know I enjoyed everything else she’s written, so much that I bought her book. Though I haven’t read it yet.

    1. Thanks, Faith!! <3 Yeah, you're totally right about the 7-day work week haha. I'm just torn about it because I love writing so much! But the fact remains that it's hard work nevertheless...

      I can totally see your point about the drabble-style of Lord Charming - never undertaken a challenge like that myself, so kudos to Forthright! 800 chapters...pretty incredible! Although to be honest, I haven't even really been noticing the word/phrase for each chapter myself - just been skipping straight into the meat of the chapter lol πŸ˜€

      And I saw she's written some original fiction! That's awesome stuff πŸ™‚

      Thanks for sharing!! <3

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