SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series The Secretary [Hiatus]

“BAHAHAHAHA!” Kagome glowered, blushing fiercely. Leaning heavily on his cane—which he mostly just carried around for show—her old friend wiped at the crinkled corners of his eyes, glanced up at her, and doubled over laughing again. Somewhere inside Kagome’s temple, a vein threatened to burst. “Can it, Inuyasha,” she growled. “It’s not that funny.” “Kami,”

SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series The Secretary [Hiatus]

“Miko.” Kagome jumped in her chair. With a weary sigh, she frowned down at the intercom on her desk before pushing the small red button to respond. “Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama.” The words left her mouth a little terser than she’d intended. It rankled her that he’d demanded she address him with his old honorific like they

Make Believe

Let’s pretend that in the beginning we were both free agents. That you weren’t with her, and I wasn’t with him. Let’s imagine that somehow even without them, our orbits still crossed, and in the big wide randomness of the universe, we still managed to find one another. Let’s start from there because it’s a