A dream I had…

Let me preface this by saying that, yes, I have been drinking, but I thought I would share this with you guys anyways in case you happen to find this as funny as I do.

The other night I had a dream that I was checking my email, and I had a message from Dokuga. The subject was something like “Author note too long,” and basically it was a tersely worded email saying that I had violated the Dokuga TOS by posting such a long-ass author’s note at the beginning of Transgressions, Ch.9. LOL

Okay now for some background: I can only guess that this stems from being called out years ago for originally rating Stasis as ‘M’. Which, ya know, I still would argue is appropriate since to me that story, while violent and sexual, isn’t exactly *explicit* at least in my opinion. It’s not like I’m talking about clits and cocks in it for Christ’s sake.

But ANYWAYS, because I wanna keep the peace and all that happy horseshit, I immediately changed the rating to ‘MA’. Because, for real, I just want you guys to be able to read my stories if you want, and, upon reflection, I suppose that perhaps any non-con fic like Stasis should probably default to an ‘MA’ rating just on principle.

But whatever. Dokuga mod PTSD, that’s all I’m saying.


Better luck tonight! 🙂

2 thoughts on “A dream I had…

  1. As much as I love Dokuga and Fanfiction.net, I have seen waaaaay too many author notes that talk about the websites being super nit picky! The sites are policed to the point where some authors just stop posting. lol dokuga mod PTSD!!!

    1. Lol yeah for real – honestly I haven’t had too many issues personally, but I’ve heard some horror stories from others.

      That said, I totally understand the need to moderate sites, and I’m sure it’s no easy task…also I openly admit I’m not the best judge of what’s explicit or not haha

      Part of the reason why I started this blog was to have a place where I could just write whatever I want without having to worry about all that! Anyway, I’ve rambled on enough – thanks for sharing! <3

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