The Pact Bonus Scene: Hearsay

Well off the beaten path, Toutousai hunkered down in a crevice of a cave with his faithful companion Mou-Mou at his back. The demon ox didn’t so much as low. But all three eyes remained fastened upon Toutousai in concern as he pulled a red-eyed birdskull from his sleeve. He held the birdskull close to his pointed ear. The serrated beak gaped, but no sound came out. The swordsmith sagged in relief.

“I think we’re in the clear,” he said lowly, replacing the skull amulet with a flick of claw. “This thing is foolproof.”

Mou-Mou’s triplet eyes continued to stare.

“What? You don’t believe me? You should have more faith, old friend. When have I ever steered us wrong?”

Mou-Mou did low then, but Toutousai waved it off. 

“That was incidental,” he groused. “And we made it out just fine, didn’t we? Barely a scrape. But if you’re determined to nit-pick, I can’t stop you.” When Mou-Mou’s eyes rolled away, Toutousai rose creaking to his feet. “Let’s be off, then.”

Airborne and invisible, they set off at a clip over the rolling green fields. Truth be told, Toutousai wouldn’t be able to fully relax until he was safely ensconced behind the wards of his volcanic domain. He knew that Mou-Mou wouldn’t be able to either, and so he didn’t blame him for his edginess, grating though it was.

They hadn’t gone ten miles when the skies darkened ominously above them. Green lightning split the churning clouds. Mou-Mou skidded to a frightful halt. Toutousai gaped upward.

“Uh oh…”

Recovering from his frozen shock, Mou-Mou attempted to flee. But fleet-footed as he was, it was too little, too late. Straight out of midair, a green lightning-bolt struck the ground beneath them, sending them spinning head-over-heels into the brush. Their invisibility broke as they landed. Frazzled and singed, they dragged themselves up wincing to their feet. The five bulbous eyes between them swiveled up slowly as one, from dragonhide boots to golden stare, to face the pale demon lord who towered over them.

“Ah, Sesshoumaru-sama,” Toutousai said with a smoky wheeze, “to what do we owe the honor?”

Sesshoumaru glared down at them, unspeaking. Mou-Mou shrank. Toutousai wilted.


“What gall you have,” Sesshoumaru said, pronouncing each word with chilling slowness, “to meddle in my affairs.”

“Meddle, my lord?” Toutousai blinked owlishly. “I’d never dream of it.”

“If you haven’t been meddling, then why are you fleeing these Western Lands?”

“Not fleeing,” Toutousai hedged, sweat-dropping. “Merely eager to return to our humble abode.”

“Is that so.” Sesshoumaru’s golden gaze slanted to Mou-Mou. “Your cow is quivering in fear.”

Toutousai squinted at Mou-Mou, who was shaking from tail to snout. “Don’t mind him, he’s always like that. High-strung, that one. Nothing for it.”

“What did you tell her?”

Sesshoumaru’s voice cracked over them like an icy whip. Mou-Mou keeled over. Toutousai flinched. He knew from that tone there was no point in playing dumb—too dumb, anyway.

“Well…nothing much. Only the obvious: that her boy Shin is your son and heir. She had questions—fiery questions, I might add. What was I supposed to say?”

“Nothing,” Sesshoumaru said frostily. “That is what you should have said.”

“Apologies, then,” Toutousai said, bowing his head. As Sesshoumaru stared him down, Toutousai peeked back up at him. “How long do you intend to keep her in the dark, though, I wonder? Clearly, there is a good deal she doesn’t understand.”

Sesshoumaru glared. “That is none of your concern.”

“No, my lord,” Toutousai said, eyeing him. “Whatever you’re waiting for is your prerogative, of course. Still, that boy of yours is something. I’d say your lord father would be proud, but questioning the forceful nature of the conception—”

“Don’t insult me,” Sesshoumaru said, in a tone that brooked only death.

Toutousai put up his clawed hands. “Forget I said it. But your lordship must allow that with her avowed devotion to your half-brother, it begs the question.”

“Put the question from your mind,” Sesshoumaru said, “along with all others. Return to your mountain and abide there until I deem otherwise. Venture from your keep at your own peril.”

“Aye, my lord,” Toutousai replied, nudging Mou-Mou with his foot. “As you command.”

Sesshoumaru vanished in a blaze of light. Toutousai slumped where he stood.

“…I’m getting too old for this.” To Mou-Mou, he muttered aside, “Well, there you have it. It’s even worse than we thought.”

Mou-Mou lowed weakly in affirmation, pushing himself upright onto his hooves. He gave his horned head a shake. As he did so, a dark glinting speck shot out from his scruffy neck.

“Myouga!” Toutousai said, grinning toothily. “So, you were there all the while.”

“I was, forgive me,” the flea youkai said with a squeak. “What a tense episode! I feared Sesshoumaru-sama would detect me in his fury, but Mou-Mou’s concealing fur shielded me admirably. The shaking, too, was a nice touch.”

Toutousai nodded, giving his bovine companion a pat. “Everyone underestimates Mou-Mou.”

The demon ox closed his eyes in gratification. 

“Well,” Toutousai said to Myouga, “what do you make of all that?”

Myouga crossed both sets of arms to his chest. His tiny three-pronged claws propped beneath his chin.

“Curious, curious…I cannot imagine what Sesshoumaru-sama means by it all.”

“The miko, then? What do you make of her?”

Myouga shook his white-whiskered head. “Even less, I fear. Human customs are bewildering. They are built largely on words and feelings. What she intends remains unclear, and I have been observing both her and the babe for some time.”

Toutousai hmphed. “I’ll admit, Myouga, when you told me about this child I had my doubts. I thought I’d have to get clever in order to surveil him. But lo and behold, she brought him right to me. Now I’ve seen him with my own eyes, and I feel my doubts are greater than ever.”

Myouga nodded sagely. “Then you and I are of one accord, old friend.”

Toutousai pondered this. Long-dead misgivings rose to the forefront of his mind, which with effort he dismissed.

“Now is not then,” he said at last. “We must give this little lord our best.”

“Indeed we must,” Myouga said, after a moment.

Toutousai side-eyed him. “Why do you hesitate?”

“Because of his sire, of course. Sesshoumaru-sama has always been enigmatic, but this silence is peculiar, even for him.”

“He is waiting for something,” Toutousai said, “that is clear. While he waits, he seeks to eliminate all interference. He threatened me as much.”

Myouga nodded again. “His Lady Mother is his chief concern, no doubt. He does not wish for her to become apprised of his actions.”

“And?” Toutousai pressed him. “Is she? I haven’t been to court in ages. And you have always been more adept at navigating its intrigues than I.”

Myouga shrugged with all four arms. “She is a great exalted lady, but also Sesshoumaru-sama’s mother. Naturally, she knows everything.” 

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Lol sorry, I couldn’t help it – I just love Toutousai’s silly ass too much XD He’s my fav. Hope y’all enjoyed this blog-exclusive bonus scene & have a wonderful weekend!! 💕

25 thoughts on “The Pact Bonus Scene: Hearsay

  1. I can’t, Char. I really cannot.

    Each addition to this story adds such depth and dimension to it, I’m honestly at a loss for words. You are genuinely the most talented writer I’ve ever come across. When I say I live for these updates, I mean I. LIVE. FOR. THESE. UPDATES.
    I’ve got like 100 pages left from the first book in ASOIAF, and let me tell you, this story right here? The one YOU wrote? Yeah, it outshines even George R R Martin’s writing. So much so that I find myself re-reading this fic instead of finishing off his book. I can’t shower you in enough compliments.

    K, with that said, lemme just go ahead and spill my feelings on this chapter:

    GIRL, LET ME TELL YOU, THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAAAAAAAAAAZING! I swear to God I literally read your work with the biggest smile on my face. Sesshomaru’s so freaking scary… I’m just eating up how well you describe the man. And then the cow shaking in fear to hide Myoga’s presence? LMAOOSDGDSLKGS BYEEEE THAT WAS SO CLEVER.

    Omggg, are Totosai and Myoga worried that Shin will grow up to be some big bad foe? “Now is not then” has me worried. Are they talking about Sesshomaru? Or some other greater demon they’re worried Shin will take after?

    I can’t wait for Sesshomaru’s mom to make an appearance. Clearly, she’s enough of a concern to have even him worried >:)

    1. Okay so predictably, I re-read this, and I think I’ve got it all wrong. The “now is not then” isn’t about Shin growing up to be evil, but more around the love triangle between Sess’ mom, Toga, and Izayoi? And everything that followed because of it? Are they worried for a repeat but this time with Sesshomaru, Kagome, and Inuyasha???

      1. 😉 😉

        Ahh thank you so much for all the lovely compliments, bella!! George RR Martin is one of my favorite authors ever so I couldn’t be more flattered 😭😭😭

        Love hearing your thoughts and reactions regarding this scene & how it fits into the story at large! Sess can be a scary guy for sure 😂

        Thanks so much again for all the awesome feedback & kind words! Much appreciated ❤❤ hope you enjoy the next installment (and Game of Thrones!!)

  2. So missed this story… now what the hell has Sesshomaru gone and done? And why? I am just happy to have a continuation of this story!

    1. Yayyy thanks so much, Celes!! So glad you’re enjoying the continuation! Hope you enjoy where things go from here…! ❤❤

  3. Eeee yessss love this!!! I love the worlds you build! This is giving me some Control vibes, and has me missing our friends there, but The Pact is keeping me so enthralled!!! Love it!!

    1. “This is giving me some Control vibes” – ahh yeah I know what you mean!! I’m missing RA too! Hoping to circle back once time permits ❤❤

      Thanks so much, mim! So glad you’re enjoying the story!!

  4. What I really love about your writing is how brilliant you’re at creating an engaging story where nothing much happens in the world out there but it’s all the conversations and inner musings that drive the plot.

    You really have an excellent grasp of the inner psychological wptkikg of conflicts minds

    1. ❤❤ thanks so much, pang lin!! I love introspection and personally consider it to be one of my strengths as a writer, so that’s wonderful to hear! 😊

      Hope you enjoy how the story continues to unfold!

  5. Even Myouga knows?? The Western Lady might know?? 😲🤭 I feel like a nosy old biddy in the gossip column of youkai high society but XD

    I can already see the situation snowballing out of Sesshoumaru’s control. First it’s his father’s vassals, then his mom, and then all the other youkai lords and ladies. Will this result in an epic scandal or an impromptu royal baby shower? I have no idea but this is exciting! Love how much depth this scene places in the situation around them.

    1. “I feel like a nosy old biddy in the gossip column of youkai high society” – ahaha I love it! Perfect!! 😊

      So glad you’re enjoying the layering of drama and suspense in this installment!! Thank you so much!! ❤❤

  6. I love these little bonus stories! ! I just finished The Chase and GOD what I’d give to see his mom’s reaction(or non-reaction) to him now. If his dad were still here & meddling I bet Kagome would would bite his head off, fierce Dog General or not. She ain’t no easy bitch, alright, even if Sess is lying in wait as we speak to spirit her and Shin away.

    “She is a great exalted lady, but also Sesshoumaru-sama’s mother. Naturally, she knows everything.” – did his mom employ elite shinobi Ayakashi to spy on his son?! bc I’d really like to know how she got past Sesshomaru-sama’s scary super radar. He’s been prowling his territory like a shark, and not even a little flea is safe from detection

    1. “She ain’t no easy bitch, alright,” – ain’t that the truth!! ❣❣

      It seems that even the almighty Sesshoumaru-sama has his blind spots 😉 Thanks so much for sharing your take on the scene! Love hearing your thoughts & questions and hope you enjoy how the story continues to develop! ❤❤

  7. So Myouga’s been snooping on them for a while 🤔 It makes me wonder who else in Edo knows… what with Shin frolicking about the village with his crescent in full view. How far down the grapevine has the news traveled to already?

    Kagome really should’ve thought more about the implications of breeding with a wholesale Youkai Lord than merely “Inuyasha’s half-brother” 😅😅

    Now not only the complications around his birth, but assuming Sess!Mom gets involved Shin might also have to take on all the pomp and circumstance of being a young heir to a prestigious house. SEE? CHILDREN AREN’T MEANT FOR FIXING RELATIONSHIPS, KAGOME

    1. “Kagome really should’ve thought more about the implications of breeding with a wholesale Youkai Lord than merely “Inuyasha’s half-brother” 😅😅” – yeahhhh bit of an oversight there on her part it seems XD

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the scene, oskorreia!! It’s a messy situation to be sure XD Hope you enjoy how things spiral from here! ❤❤

  8. So I just finished reading the three updated chapters and just…SO many things happened that I am struggling to type it out. First, I am so happy that Shin has the third form, he’s adorable in all of them! Time is ticking for Kagome and idk what’s going to happen next but I am so looking forward to it!

    1. Yay so glad you’ve enjoyed the latest updates, Pixie – and Shin’s third form!! 🥰 Hope you continue to enjoy the ride…!! ❤❤

  9. I think sesshoumaru is waiting for kagome to blow the whistle herself before he makes his move. Also I could have sworn that he marked her already? A mating mark supercedes a regular human marriage that inuyasha and kagome did. I wish kagome would just go to the top of the shrine and gather everyone and just shout what she did and never return back to the village. I sense that when inuyasha finds out what kagome has done that he might kill her on site and sesshoumaru will have to use his tenseiga.

    1. It’s a potentially dangerous situation for Kagome, as you say. The heat is on for her, no question…

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on these latest developments, Kim! Hope you enjoy where the story goes from here!! ❤❤

  10. Ahaha the attitude shift here, I love it! Sess always seems infinitely patient with Kagome but Toutousai gets the Tyrant Lord treatment. Been a while since we’ve seen that side of him.

    Wonder what Toutousai implies by ‘waiting’ though. If Sess is ‘waiting’, then what are the demons in the know anticipating to happen? A ritual celebration? A naming and title-giving ceremony for the new heir? Why did Myouga and Toutousai come all this way for this pup in particular? Curious 🧐

    1. Yep Sess is for sure ‘Lord Sesshoumaru’ in this scene 😂

      Love hearing your questions & take on these latest developments! So glad you enjoyed the bonus chapter & thanks for sharing!! ❤❤

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