SessKag Series: Control, Part 137 (Explicit)

This entry is part 137 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

“You ran rampant over my little brother, because he could not hold you in check.”

The miko balled her fists to keep them from shaking.

“My turn,” she said in a seething whisper, advancing upon him. “You’re a haughty, bloodthirsty demon with a woefully limited capacity for emotion.” Sesshoumaru’s gaze chilled, and Kagome considered it the slimmest triumph. “You think you understand me so well, but how can you?—how can a creature like you understand anything but power in the strictest sense? Maybe you think we’re alike, and maybe in some ways we are. But everything you know about the heart you’ve had to learn the hard way. Your father understood that about you. That’s why he withheld Tessaiga from you and gave you Tenseiga instead. That’s why you never could get your hands on that sword—because of your own crippling blindness. Time after time, you underestimated your ‘little brother’ and lost because of it.”

“Perhaps you are right,” Sesshoumaru said, as his expression lost its flinty cast. “But it was you I underestimated most.”

Kagome frowned, uncertain. “Careful there, Onii-sama,” she muttered dryly. “That sounded dangerously close to a compliment.”

The demon lord said nothing to this. Still kneeling on her floor, he didn’t make a move to do anything at all. He just watched her in the same fixed, unblinking way Ikiryou watched her, as if absorbed by the sole act of doing so. Creepy, Kagome thought. She could see him kneeling there for hours like that, silent and intent. It was downright inhuman, that sort of predatory focus.

It drew her eyes to him in turn. It made her look at him, because there was nothing else to distract her—not the whisper of his aura, not even the sound of his voice. She could only look at the way his silver hair streamed like living silk over the naked planes of his chest and shoulders, the molten glow of his eyes, the vivid slashes of his markings, and the fine, fey sculpting of his features. Even hunched as he was, he cut a daunting figure. She could see the strength coiled in the dense, hard muscle that packed his tall frame.

Using her spiritual sight, she could only see so many layers deep before she began to feel a little nauseated from the effort of dissecting him. She was certain he was much stronger now than he’d been even when they’d first met—if the shocking vastness of his true form hadn’t given her enough of a clue to that, the night she’d brought him to heel in that clearing.

The memory gave her a rush of dark excitement, and her gaze descended. His cock was as hard and intimidating as the rest of him. A frisson of vindication coursed through her at the sight. There was something wicked in the shape and color of it. So huge and red, and proud of course, stabbing up like that. The subtlest, most sinister of curves, tapering to that hellish, slitted point, which glinted at her in open provocation.

“I don’t want you to go,” she admitted, tearing her gaze away from the spectacle of his cock. “But it would be better if you did.”

“Better for whom?” he asked.

“I don’t know.” Kagome crushed the back of her hand to her lips, closed her eyes. “What I want…it isn’t good.”

Sesshoumaru studied her for so long she figured he’d just gone back to silently staring, before she heard him say at last, “Do as you like.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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12 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Control, Part 137 (Explicit)

  1. Another display of power and dominance from Kagome 🙄? When will she be satisfied?! What depths will she have him stoop to now? Perhaps she is clawing for control in a situation where she feels as though everyone (Hirokin, Kohaku, Ren) is seeking to master and limit her, yet the satisfaction she gleans from debasing Sesshoumaru never seems to last. Maybe because it is not what she truly wants from him but is instead sublimating her love and obsession into this sexual dominion. But then what does Sesshoumaru want? He doesn’t seem to mind her acting out her domination fantasies on him, but he clearly wants more from her. And he is angry at her perception that he does not feel, when Rin and Hirokin have both observed that he feels more deeply than anyone. He is just shit at expressing himself unfortunately. I wish they could reach an understanding of each other–then they both might finally know peace (and sexual satisfaction, of course 😂).

    Btw, your updates always brighten my day and cheer me up. Thanks for what you do!

    1. Aww thank you, Alex! <3 You're so sweet!! Your comments always brighten my day as well 🙂 🙂

      Astute observations here, as always <3 What *do* these crazy characters really want? 😉 haha

      I only wish I could update faster! But in the meantime, thanks so much again!! <3 <3

  2. okay okay okay so I just caught up on like the last 10 installments and this fic!!! this fic!!! I love love love all of the power dynamics going on– I’m realizing that the theme of control isn’t just about Kagome trying to control/rein in Sesshoumaru– she has so many different parts of her life that are just spiraling sharply out of control– having to juggle Kohaku vs. Ren (half the time I read his name as Rin and I am ???? before I realize, LOL, but that’s a me problem) and of course, HIROKIN. Kagome wants very badly to master all of these issues, but of course, it’s far too much for her to face so many enemies/challenges to her power all on her own, and the center will not hold. Something is going to give. I also wonder if somehow her need to control everything is a product of her traumatization– not just Inuyasha’s death, but the trauma she went through because of Sesshoumaru.

    I’m extremely intrigued by Sesshoumaru analyzing his initial thoughts on Kagome vs. what he thinks of her now– and after reading the That Night series, I wonder what his motives are now– I had originally guessed/thought the flashback confirmed that he would have her as his mate, and is maybe biding his time there, but he had that comment a while back that he almost prefers to set her up on a pedestal, untouched– I wonder if that was just a fantasy or what he really intends.

    I think Kagome succumbing to her desire for Sesshoumaru– the desire she originally felt for him before she realized he was the killer– was inevitable. There’s too much history and intimacy there. I do wonder what will/might happen should Kagome remember (or even if Hirokin has the power to restore her memories? that would be w i l d )

    Don’t get me STARTED on the revelations of That Night from Sango’s pov (my mind is REELING wondering what would have happened if Sango hadn’t given her the abortifacient???).


    cannot wait to find out!!

    1. Yayyy! So excited you’re all caught up, adlyb!! Thanks so much for sharing your take on the story thus far and on That Night!! ❤️❤️❤️

      Your feedback gives me LIFE!!! 🥰 all I can say is that if Sango hadn’t made the choice that she had you *know* some serious shit woulda gone down…😬

      So love hearing your thoughts and theories on how things are spiraling for Kagome 😉 hope you enjoy the next parts…! 💕💕

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