Seasons of Life, Part 5 – Fall

This entry is part 18 of 38 in the series The Rebel Anthology [Indefinite]

The autumn breeze brought with it the winds of change. Sumire could no longer ignore the deepening chill within her heart. Like icy tendrils, her misgivings threaded through her, breaking at last into cold and outright dread. It had begun with the death of her long-ailing daimyo. Too many concubines, too many sons. Luckily, her

Seasons of Life, Part 3 – Summer, Continued

This entry is part 15 of 38 in the series The Rebel Anthology [Indefinite]

Under the dark surface of the water her pale, slender hands seemed to glow. As Sumire trailed her fingers before her, they appeared spectral to her, not altogether real beneath that rippling plane. How easily one’s clear view might become distorted. As the water stilled, she peered down at her own dim reflection. This silent

Lessons Learned

This entry is part 11 of 38 in the series The Rebel Anthology [Indefinite]

“Well, Saitou-kun,” Kouseki asked, eyeing him nervously, “what do you think?” Saitou glared across the table where the broken instrument had been laid. Seated opposite him, Kouseki paled further. His pearl-white complexion became almost translucent with apprehension. Saitou could see the thrum of his pulse in his slender throat, the bright anxious gleam in his