New Year, New Focus

Well, it’s not quite the new year yet, but close enough XD

As some of you might have noticed, for the past several months I’ve been in the process of revising and cross-posting my blog series The Pact to Ao3, Dokuga, and PMO as The Bond. I’ll admit this turned out to be a much more labor-intensive effort than I thought it’d be. Until yesterday, The Pact was last updated more than two years ago and first published more than four years ago.

A lot has changed since 2018. Me and my writing style, the IY fandom, the entire world for that matter. My vision for The Pact has not changed. I’ll be finishing it up in the same way I always intended to finish it before things went off the rails. But it’s safe to say I underestimated how difficult it would be to go back in time and find a working compromise between the old and the new. The slew of bratty, judgy, and outright vitriolic reactions the story’s received during the cross-posting process haven’t made this any less of a chore.

Maybe I’m just getting old, but I’m noticing some disappointing trends in the fanfiction community these days. Flames have always been a thing. But what’s bothering me aren’t the flamers of old, but the whiny entitled know-it-alls I’m seeing of late. Kids (I’m assuming–hoping) who can’t seem to handle an ounce of suspense, who feel the need to lecture from their soap-boxes (built on what, exactly?) and who worst of all seem to have these disturbingly narrow, quasi-puritanical views of how a story must proceed and how characters must behave. Frankly, it’s just off-putting, sad and lame. On a deeper level it’s a potentially frightening commentary on modern society…

Anyway. I fully realize there’s some hypocrisy in me bitching about other folks bitching XD Of course none of this bitching applies to y’all–I’m talking specifically about some of the behavior I’ve seen on the other sites.

Hopefully things will calm down and people will go back to being more open-minded, or at least less openly hostile, toward ideas that aren’t so conventional (not that there is anything wrong with that–to each their own). In the meantime, I’m going to keep on keeping on. I really can’t do anything else but write what interests and compels me. Based on past history this will likely continue to gravitate toward the fringe lol, but who knows. What I find personally exciting in stories and pretty much everything is not knowing exactly what’ll happen next. 😉

All of this rambling and ranting is to say that in 2023 I’ll be focusing primarily on finishing The Pact. I’ve got one last installment to The Rebel Anthology that’s burning a hole in my brain, but I think after that I’ll be putting the series on a bit of a pause. I think it’ll be a nice natural stopping point that kind of wraps up the first arc anyway 🙂

Well that’s it for now. Happy reading, y’all, and take care out there <3

10 thoughts on “New Year, New Focus

  1. I am SO excited for what is to come. You have no idea lmao! I’m excited for The Pact, as well as the arc conclusion for The Rebel Anthology. I’ve also been wondering if you’re going to put a link somewhere for TRA’s timeline? Or, if it is somewhere on here and I just haven’t seen it, please let me know!
    Definitely ignore the ‘flames’ (also omg i feel like knowing about flames just ages the hell out of me, i haven’t heard of anyone referring to negative comments as flames in literally forever) . Your writing is phenomenal and, in my option, is often more rooted in real life emotions and drama than most other fanfiction pieces I’ve seen. Honestly, I find most works aside from yours kind of disappointing lately. But, that’s just me! I’m an old head in the fandom anyway, and my preferences have drastically changed over the years. Your writing always keeps me enthralled!
    Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your work, as always. Hope all is well with you, Char!

    1. Thank you, mim!! So glad you’re excited for what’s in store <3

      "I’ve also been wondering if you’re going to put a link somewhere for TRA’s timeline?" - thanks for this! I've been meaning to get a timeline up - was kind of debating at first whether to expand the Control timeline or just create a new one for TRA. I think I'll probably just create a new one and include it in an upcoming post 🙂

      Thanks so much for the support as always!! Realism in fiction certainly isn't for everyone and that's totally okay, but it seriously means the world to know that you enjoy my stories so much <3 You're the best!

      Appreciate the well wishes! Happy Friday, and hope you're doing great yourself <3

  2. Char just stay the course of staying you. Internet used to be for other things (porn/cat videos) now it is for people to “flame” (vent their negative feelings about their situations) on to other things while being mainly “anonymous”. The easy, lazy and mostly useless way to cope nowadays. Honestly says more about their issues and close mindedness than your crazy courageous truly ingenious mindset.

    Yay a personal post… I did mention how much I miss these? Still reading from the suggestions from the suggestions.

    I am ok with the focus switch up. Gives me time to finish a certain someone’s task. So want to show you a few … but him especially😉😅

    My early Christmas gift makes it all possible.

    Also love Len too. Saw one of your tweets reposting. Followed her everywhere from back in 2012/13. I found her when she was drawing Instinct on smackjeeves, when it was a new project for her. However she is an original character couple person for all her fan stuff.

    1. Thank you so much, Celes!! <3

      "Internet used to be for other things (porn/cat videos) now it is for people to “flame” (vent their negative feelings about their situations) on to other things while being mainly “anonymous”. " - so true! 😭 The anonymity of the internet can be freeing but it can also bring out the worst in people sometimes.

      So glad you enjoyed this post! I'm trying to ramp my blogging back up 🙂

      "So want to show you a few … but him especially" - woohoo!! *does happy dance* you KNOW I'm excited!! 😉 🙏

      Len is so phenomenal, isn't she? 🙂 I just look at her art and swoon <3

      Thanks so much again for the love & support, Celes! Hope all is well with you and yours <3

  3. Char to hell with those haters. You are by far the best writer that I have ever had the pleasure of reading on any FanFiction site. At the risk of sounding shamelessly selfish, I love all of your stories, but I would certainly languish in 2023 if I could not get my Hirokin fix in. 😍

    1. Aww Siomarabelle, thank you so much!! <3 That is the highest compliment 😊 Honored by the praise!

      "but I would certainly languish in 2023 if I could not get my Hirokin fix in" - hahaha I hear ya! I think I would also languish in 2023 without him XD so I'll have to see what I can do 😉

      Thanks so much again, my friend!! Happy Friday ♥♥

  4. You’re a fantastic writer and I gravitate to your stories because they’re more modern and less boring/stereotypical of other Kag/Sess stories. Since finding the Pact – I’ve read it twice, and look forward to the next update! The flamers can go burn themselves off a cliff into a volcano.

    1. Aww thank you so much, MissyMissa! 💕 Really appreciate the support and encouragement! So glad you’ve enjoyed my storytelling style and hope you enjoy the next update to The Pact…! 😊

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