SessKag Series: Control, Part 85

This entry is part 85 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

Boneless, Kagome sank down into the tub. Water rose to drown her ears. With her eyes just above the surface, she listened to the haunting dampness of every fleeting motion. Even rising to breathe, she felt submerged still.

It was a feeling that persisted long after she’d dried off and dressed. The heaviness dragged at her like a current from within. Desperate to escape from its pull, she took up a bottle of sake from the shelf near her bedside and cracked it open. Down her throat, the alcohol scourged, setting fire to the pit of her stomach.

Slaking herself of a thirst that was visceral, if not physical, she began to feel lighter by the second. With disinterest, even disdain, she peered around at her home. Silks and trinkets lined the shelves, spilled onto the floor from trunks already crammed to bursting. Like the wine she was drinking, they were gifts from wealthy transplants, from merchants and craftsmen, from scholars and even displaced gentry, who had sought refuge in Edo and credited her with restoring them to safety and prosperity.

Not a little of the tribute was from her own friends and neighbors, who had let out their farms and fields to the refugees and grown rich in the process. Several had offered to build her a new house, a great house like their own, but Kagome had refused. What need did she have for a big house in town? At least here, in this remote little place, Inuyasha’s presence lingered. This was the home they had shared together, if only briefly, and bereft as it was, she would feel only that much more so in the halls of some strange empty place.

Not to mention, she needed the privacy.

Sourly, she drank to dispel these grim reflections. Like a puff of smoke, they vanished soon enough from her perception, and she relaxed against the silk pillows of her bed. No matter how she’d come about it, she felt calm, even surfeited. Loosening the ties of her robe, she basked in the coolness of the air against her flushed skin, and thought about nothing at all.

In truth, she’d forgotten Kanako completely. Even when the girl peeped in at her through the door curtain, Kagome remained casually reclined, still sipping on the dregs of the wine. With creeping steps, the waif entered. Quietly, she headed toward her bed of blankets in the corner, before Kagome’s voice drew her short.

“Come here, Kanako-chan.”

The teenage girl went deathly still, her large grey eyes swiveling toward Kagome in clear apprehension. But the miko smiled easily, beckoning her with the crook of a finger. Wary, yet unable to resist, the waif tiptoed toward her. With lowered eyes, she knelt at the bedside. For a while, Kagome simply considered her, the girl’s heart hammering in the silence that thickened between them.

“Kagome-sama…” she whispered out at last. “I—”

Dashing the empty bottle against the wall, Kagome pounced upon her. The girl shrilled like a banshee as the miko seized her by one clammy ear and twisted.

“How dare you speak to me,” Kagome seethed, pushing Kanako’s face into the tatami. “How dare you come slithering back into my house, you nasty little snake.”

“Forgive me!” Kanako shrieked, the sound nasally and muffled as it squeaked out from around the edges of her smothered mouth. “Kagome-sama, please!

But the miko didn’t let up in the slightest. “Who have you told?

No one!—not a soul, I swear it!”

“Don’t lie to me, you wretch.”

“I’m not lying!” Kanako gasped, writhing. As Kagome’s pressure at her ear relented a fraction, the waif peeked up at her with one wide, watery eye. “Please, Kagome-sama, I would never betray you…you must believe me!”

“Spying is the same as betrayal,” the miko bit out, digging her knee into Kanako’s back, “baka.”

“But…! Kagome-sama…I…I am a lowly snake, it is true—I am a worm! I go about on my belly…but only for your sake! Only out of devotion to you! That demon…lord of demons…I hear him—extorting you. I hear you…martyring your holy self!” By now the girl was outright sobbing, though Kagome had ceased to torment her. “Would that I could lift your burden—would that I could take your place!”

As if burned, Kagome recoiled from her. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“He will be wanting more, Kagome-sama,” the waif whispered tremulously, her round eyes shivering with foreboding. “It chafes at a man…to give himself pleasure. He cannot abide it for long…”

Kagome glared, a tendril of unease wending through her. “That’s ridiculous. And what would you know about it, anyway?”

As though still pinned, Kanako lay strewn on the floor. Her normally wan features were flushed, her limp hair tousled so suggestively that Kagome drew back from her a step further.

“I did not know then, when the fever took Okaa-san,” the waif began, her silvery gaze as glassy as a trout’s. “We suffered, Kagome-sama, my Onii-san and I. But I did not understand, when my suffering grew less and yet his worsened. I did not understand what it meant until I caught him in his shame. He nearly killed himself for it—it was so great!”

Kagome stared, her mouth running dry in helpless dread.

Heedless of this, Kanako babbled on, “Though he did not wish it, I made him tell me what our mother had done for him. I let him use my mouth as she had, and because I had not yet bled, I let him use the rest of me, too. How well he was, after! How happy I was to serve him, my dear Onii-san.” Propping herself up on her elbows, she gazed at the frozen miko in misty-eyed rapture. “How happy I would be to serve you, Kagome-sama.”

The miko could not speak at first, afraid that if she went so far as to open her mouth, her gorge would rise and overtake her. Despite the sake that bubbled in her stomach, Kanako’s horrific words had sobered her like a splash of ice-water to the face. Yet as abhorrent as this story was, it wasn’t altogether shocking. In those sorts of insular, backwoods villages such things were not unheard of—mothers and sisters seeing to the so-called ‘needs’ of their unmarried male relatives. Sickened and saddened in equal measure, Kagome slumped back onto her futon, all the fight gone out of her—though she would never see Kanako in the same light again.

Heavily, the miko sighed, averting her weary eyes. “I don’t want to hear any more of this talk. Go to bed.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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15 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Control, Part 85

  1. Damn. Now I understand why Kanako is so…odd. I still think there’s more to her character but I know better than to theorize. When I go left you go right🤣.
    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Post alerts didn’t go out for this one apparently- sorry guys

    Got dicked over by upgrading 😒

    Should be fixed now

  3. Oh hell that might be the worst thing I ever read. Kanako that poor girl. What can you say to something like that?

    Now I’m just mad at everyone but Inuyasha. Sesshomaru, that devil. And Kagome who is equally a devil these days. I almost hope they end up killing each other in the act. They deserve each other, and that fate.

  4. Kanako’s story make me sick. It bugs me that she doesnt know that it’s wrong — it bugs me that they don’t know that it’s wrong! Like, I know it wasnt rape but this is incest. For a moment, I forgot how incest runs the bloodline before and even now, it’s there even though it’s silent.

    Anyways, I’m worrying over Kagome’s…. I don’t know… coldness? Lack of compassion? Care? Shes starting to become what Sesshounaru wants her to be (or so I thing). A strong dangerous female that’s worthy of the Lord of the West. I don’t know if she’ll revert back to her old self but it’s gonna be impossible unless…

    And oh, I’m mad at everyone sans Kanako. Inuyasha isnt as innocent even though he died so horribly. He knows Sesshoumaru was behind the killings but he didnt stop him — didnt kill him or outrightly confronted him about it (or maybe he did?) but the point is, he’s an enabler – all of them are. I know they’re victims of this situation that Sesshoumaru laid out but they had their choice and they didn’t end the monster. Now, he’s still walking free & what he’s been aching for is almost upon him. I cant see another way that would lead to those poor girls getting their justice.

  5. Hmmm Kanako wants to serve Kagome and Sesshoumaru? Am I the only one who caught that part where she offers herself in place of Kagome?

    Kagome should consider leaving the village. She is now sick and twisted like Sesshoumaru and has become a magnet for damaged people like Kanako.

    Don’t get me wrong. I still do not feel anything for Kanako despite her terrible childhood. There is something else wrong about her.

    I wonder how long is Sesshoumaru going to play with Kagome. She thinks she is in control, but he is just manipulating her. Has the end game changed now? He seemed awfully frustrated during their last session. At some point, she must realize he can break the leash she put around his neck. He is a daiyoukai who has lived hundreds of years. While she is powerful, she remains a human with very breakable bones, a slower reaction time and cannot run faster than him. He can cut her to pieces with his whip before she can fling enough reiki at him.

    She can put up a barrier, but how long can she hold out? He can wait her out, let her weaken from hunger then pounce and devour her. Wink wink

  6. Oh wow. That’s absolutely despicable. Explains some of it but I’m betting not all of it. That girl is gonna wind up on the wrong side of ‘servicing’. It’s only a matter of time.

    Kagome is finding something even lower than rock bottom these days. I’m wondering…what ever happened to honor? Honor bound by station, honor bound by family? Lord of the West with the killer pickle mangling his own subjects (or nearby ones). Then the Miko formerly known as the Miko of the Shikon no tama. These two are so depraved, it’s scary. It’s as if, they may somehow find a (wicked and twisted) way of repairing each other.

    I like it. This is the kind of dark that makes for the most addictive of tales. You don’t know who to root for anymore

    1. Woohoo, glad you’re liking the darkness, Pebbs!! 🙂

      You raise some great points about honor, on all sides… 😉 Hope you enjoy the next part in the series!!

      <3 <3

  7. I’m just sitting here still hoping sexy-reboot Kohaku will come in and clean up the mess. Haha just kidding! (Kinda)

    Seriously though, Kanako sounds like she was raised in a cult or by Carrie’s mom from the gleeful way she expressed her desire to “serve.” I do feel sorry for her, but I also think there is something supernaturally crazy about her? I guess Kagome & Sesshomaru could tell if she was possessed or part demon, but there’s almost a Gollum quality to her where she’s unnaturally resilient and able to slink around and stay alive. I wonder if Kagome did show her even a shred of kindness, would that make her even more insane? She keeps returning to Kagome’s cruelty, so she must equate that to be the natural order of things, perhaps from how she was raised?

    Lastly, Kagome-sama. Bitch, you are evil.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣

      “ sexy-reboot Kohaku ”

      Bahahaha great stuff… 😍

      Love the commentary on Kanako as well! People can end up so warped by the environment they were raised in… 😢

      And as for Kagome-sama… 😈 well, hope you enjoy where the story goes from here!!


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