Trivia Tuesday

Yeah…so it’s Wednesday lol, but I shared this on tumblr yesterday and thought y’all might be interested too! So in lieu of the Control update I’d hoped to get out today (didn’t happen because for some reason I felt the need to draft out the next 4 parts before editing the 1st 🙃), here was the tumblr prompt for ‘Trivia Tuesday’:

Creators: give a “behind the scenes” look at one of your works. This could be things that got removed or changed, the origins of ideas/details, whatever you like!

And here’s the “preview post” I shared in response:

(Ignore that preview date – this is a draft I wrote way back in September 2018!)

As I said on tumblr, I doubt this’ll ever actually be included in The Pact, but I do like this snippet and will probably use it somewhere in the future! 🙂

Lol, I know it’s not a “real” fic update and all, but hope y’all enjoyed! Stay tuned for more dark demonic sex acts…


12 thoughts on “Trivia Tuesday

  1. love! thanks for sharing. I always like to get an “inside” look at writers and their writing process. It’s interesting to see the product of their writing go through its phase to then end up being amazing.

    Thanks for being awesome! Can’t wait for an update.

    1. Thanks so much!! 🙂 – and I agree 100% about liking the ‘inside look’! Authors’ writing processes have always been fascinating to me as well – for instance, it’s crazy to read George RR Martin’s original story outlines for Song of Ice and Fire and see how it compares to the finished (lol sorta) project. 🙂

      Very cool stuff! <3 <3

  2. Right on, Char! I haven’t commented in a long time, but reading your amazing fanfic updates make my day while I sit for 5 hours, 5 days a week, every other week, getting poison pumped thru my veins at chemo. My lupus has invaded my kidneys, and for my young sons since I’m in the vulnerable CoVid19 population, I’m taking special isolation precautions because I can’t catch this. But not sharing this as a “poor me, feel sorry for me” because I am a tough, metalhead, anime-obsessed, sci-fi/superhero loving nerd…and I am unstoppable! Lol.
    The point of this is to thank YOU for being one of those people giving me strength and motivation by sharing your imaginative, creative God-given gift of your writing: your dirty smut, your sense of humor, your nail-biting cliffhangers! Love you, Char! I’m sure I speak for all of your followers, the CharCrew (lol), with our praise & appreciation! Never stop!

    1. SAGE!! – you ARE unstoppable, girl!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 x a million

      Don't you worry, I ain't never gonna stop. Don't think I could even if I tried! Hahaha But seriously, I'm floored - thank you SO FREAKING MUCH!!!

      You're a rockstar! <3 🙂 <3

  3. Almost forgot to remind you for the millionth time that I’ve been reading fanfic for years…many amazing stories by many talented writers…but you continue to be and have always been my favorite. No other writer has ever shown so many different interpretations of the Inuyasha characters and their interactions. Their strengths, vulnerabilities, convictions and vices…always pushing boundaries…I am always in awe

    1. Hahaha nothing wrong with that! XD the most important thing is to get it out…or at least that’s what I tell myself through gritted teeth as I glare at the blank page on my laptop 🙃

      Anyway! Love the inside scoop, Inuyaoi!! Thanks for sharing! 😊From the finished product I never would have guessed – your writing is so polished and lovely 💕

      1. That means a lot coming from one of my favorite writers! Really you have no idea.

        I’ve learned the hard lesson of seperating creative mode from editor mode. Actually, when I edit I open another new doc in spilt screen and go from there. Then I let it cook and come back to it with fresh eyes. But until then… yeah it’s horrible. No one needs to see that lol

        1. “ I’ve learned the hard lesson of seperating creative mode from editor mode.”

          ^^100% THIS

          Although I’ll admit it’s still a very real struggle for me 😞 Also letting it “cook” like you said is awesome advice!! Gonna have to try out your split screen technique – seems like it could be really helpful to me 😊

  4. Thanks for sharing! I love The Pact and that is a very clean draft, regardless of where it ends up. I’m interested in the expansion of that clip.

    1. Thank you!! Lol my drafts are very much a mixed bag, but sometimes I get a real burst of inspiration and it seems to come out just right 😊


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