10 thoughts on “A little sexism for the holidays

  1. Damn!! That selection is just depressive!! Gimme shoes, books… hell, I’d take a skateboard before all that s**t!!
    Although I have to say, I checked the man’s gift selection… and the pans were there too!!!

    1. Hahaha I guess Amazon thinks everybody wants a skillet for Christmas 😐

      Maybe they have a surplus they’re trying to unload lol

  2. I’m sorry but that is hilarious. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

    A DVD of an old nick show, an echo dot— suddenly, a frying pan. Lmao

  3. 😌 Sadly…I’m so that woman who actually WANTS all the kitchen things. All my family paused and asked me at least ten times if I REALLY wanted kitchen shit from my Amazon list it if it was just because it was cheap. I’m such a hardcore baker/cook/griller. If it’s food, I’m there.

    But that recommended list on Amazon IS depressing! Why must they assume women always want makeup items, jewelry, or some stupid accessory? I want a freaking laptop next year to play video games with my hubby!! And more kitchen gadgets…lol.

    1. Rock on! 🙂 I love cooking as well and am always collecting more kitchen stuff haha

      And a new laptop would be super! <3

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