PSA: Don’t Read My Stories (Sticky Post)

ATTENTION –Β  This is a Public Service Announcement: DO NOT, under any circumstances, read ANY of the stories posted on this site. They are terrible, awful hell-works written with the express purpose of inducing emotional pain. Just assume that in every blog post, the most horrifying personal trauma you can imagine occurs. Because it will. Guaranteed. This is a fictional nightmare land of your worst possible fears, and if you know what’s best for you, you’ll click the “Back” button right now.







Okay, now to be real.

I’m aware that this blog post may earn me a lot of heat and even cost me readers, but this is a price I’m willing to pay in order to provide 100% uncompromised content.

The purpose behind me creating this blog was to have a place where I could write freely and share my stories with people who might like to read them. If you’re coming here, it’s likely because you’ve read my fanworks on other sites. Most of you probably already know the types of fiction I write and are well-acquainted with the fact that I often write about dark and disturbing subjects. In case you were not aware of this, I’ll tell you now that I will not ever shy away from depicting dark graphic content such as violence, sexual assault, and abuse.

I’m not some kind of sadist – but I am a realist. And when I do choose to write more “realistic” types of fiction, these dark subjects often come up, as they do in our real lives. I don’t set out to write horrific things, but neither will I refuse to write them, either. If I feel like a story needs to be told, I will venture into the darkness in order to tell it. I know this may sound stupid, but the stories I write are art to me, and I’m honestly very passionate about preserving my sense of artistic integrity.

All that said, I’m not by any means unsympathetic to the fact that people who’ve experienced traumas in their lives can be triggered by certain content. Be forewarned that at any time my writing may be trigger-inducing. The main reason why I say this is because I have no idea what *your* personal trigger may be – so sadly I cannot possibly with 100% accuracy warn you ahead of time if you will be triggered by what I write. And for that I sincerely apologize.

What I will do is try my best to make a good-faith effort to post a warning when I consider content to be particularly dark or disturbing. But, you see, once again there is that faulty underlying assumption that *I* am capable of making that personal judgment call for *you* – which of course, I’m certainly not. Only you know what’s best for you, and although we’ve never met before, I hope you’ll believe me when I say that I want what’s best for you, too.

So, please, exercise your own best judgment in reading my stories, and for those of you who have unfortunately suffered traumas, please know that it may be best for you to read elsewhere.


34 thoughts on “PSA: Don’t Read My Stories (Sticky Post)

  1. First, I would like to preface and say that I LOVE your stories and have been a fan for a long time. Which is the reason I am familiar with your writing style . But let’s face the facts, you normally state at the beginning of your chapters if it is explicit or triggering. It’s sad that read is fundamental, but people still choose to not have discernment and then complain about it later. You shouldn’t even need to express your artist integrity. πŸ˜”πŸ˜” Keep doing this wonderful writing of yours and as you know I 😍 the explicit, but I am also very realistic. In these times, people don’t know how to take things with a grain of salt nor do they take accountability for their OWN actions. They would rather blame other for their discomfort and that is NOT your fault nor the fans that enjoy your realist POV. KEEP IT UP AND I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. 😍 😍 😍

    Sincerely, your loyal realistic commons sense fan πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

    1. I would like to second everything DevaG just said. Char is an artist and her work should not be censored! I love this site! I love the freedom that comes with it!

    2. Thank you so much, DevaG! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement and support!! (hugs!) So happy to know you’ve been enjoying my stories over the years! That really warms my heart πŸ™‚

      <3 <3 <3

  2. Well said! It’s a person’s choice to read or not read. It isn’t your responsibility to cater to the reader. Your job is writing and expressing yourself. Wether or not your reader likes the content has no reflection on you as a writer or your subject matter. If someone doesn’t like onions, don’t eat them.

    Keep doing what you do, girl!

  3. Lady, I’ve been reading your stories for years since I found you as wonderbug and I can’t get enough of how intense and raw your writing is! It inflicts an emotional response in me that had me checked for updates frequently enough for it to possibly be borderline unhealthy. You’ve set a standard for how I view other fanfiction stories. Woman you color my world. I’m not one to normally leave comments I’m very much a guilty lurker, but I need you to know your dark expression and realism is what has always brought me back.

    1. Wow thank you so much, Dar! Words can’t properly express how much I appreciate your support over the years πŸ™‚ So beyond glad to know you enjoy the realism in my stories!

      Thank you so much for sharing πŸ™‚ <3

  4. Oh, sweetling. I am 100% with you. I completely understand where you’re coming from.

    I’ve had this happen to me too when writing and apparently not giving enough warning about the themes of the chapter ahead of time. To me, I hate spoiling the read. But I also don’t want to misguided anyone to the content. It’s a sad line to walk as a writer. This blog is meant as an escape from all of that and for those of us who tread the darker path in fiction. Never, EVER apologize for your art. Not even if you misspell, grammatical fuck up, or thesaurus hump until the pages fall apart. It is YOUR art.

    And honestly, I’m pissed you felt you had to voice this. I’m a victim of sexual abuse and yet I will never allow that to define every aspect of my life. It’s honestly a bit tiresome. A victim mentality just means they have to find ways to remain a victim. It’s sad, but it’s true. I love everyone, but I expect more from them too. Guess that’s the mom in me.

    In summary, these stories give me a much needed little escape throughout the busy day of raising two kids under 5. And they are always so looked forward to. So, if nothing else, you got all of us here who commented who love to read your works. Call us the art snobs who appreciate the FINER tastes. Lol.

    1. Thank you so much, AmdelMari! You are so right – I’m honestly so blown away by the outpouring of support from you guys πŸ™‚ <3

      Warnings really are a fine line to tread as a writer. You summed up my thoughts on this perfectly.

      I'm so sorry to hear that you were a victim of sexual abuse πŸ™ - but extremely encouraged to hear how you refuse to let it define you. πŸ™‚ Best wishes to you and your family! You rock! <3

  5. An “in good faith” warning is adequate. Trigger warnings aren’t about censorship or asking authors to compromise their creative vision.

    It’s simy about recognizing that due to dark reality, some people have lived through trauma and may not be able to read about it as entertainment, thus it helps them to know in advance to avoid it.

    When I suggested more in depth trigger warnings on your Absolution part 2 post I wasn’t trying to say it was something you have to do, I was responding to previous comments regarding the line between trigger warnings and spoilers and attempting to find a possible compromise between the 2 because of the strong feelinngs on both sides. I never expect an author to cater to my personal triggers. I mean there’s general stuff (rape, torture, suicide, abuse) but you’re right that I am aware that your usual writing style trends towards darker subjects so I already know to read with caution.

    The realities of my life are that I can’t read or watch whole genres of media because it’s not entertaining it’s retraumatizing. I have to pick and choose. But I’ve never wanted to try and tell creators they can’t create what inspires them because I have these limitations on what I can enjoy. And this is your personal site so of course you are free to post anything you wish to. When I’m on public/collective sites looking for new authors and works to read, I have a greater expectation of the depth of warnings/info on subject matter, but it really is very like going to a library and seeing work sorted by genre.

    1. “Trigger warnings aren’t about censorship or asking authors to compromise their creative vision.” – You are absolutely right of course.

      I’m sorry if this post came off as a criticism in any way πŸ™ – please know that this wasn’t my intention. My purpose behind posting this was really just more to finally put all of my thoughts on my writing out on the table as kind of a general FAQ for this blog so that everyone can understand where I’m coming from. And most importantly, so that when new people come across this post, they can know ahead of time that my writing can be very dark in nature and to read with caution, like you said.

      Honestly, I felt like this FAQ post was long overdue. The last thing I want is for someone to be harmed by what I write πŸ™

      Anyway, sorry for long-winded reply – once again I tremendously appreciate you sharing your thoughts and perspective on the subject. <3

  6. Very well said. Dark themes can be hard on some folks, but you provide a good β€œHey, heads up. There’s gonna be some dark/traumatic stuff ahead. Read at your own risk” warning.

    Support you 100%! Keep up the amazing work! Sometimes a story has got to be told – the good, the bad, and the horrific.

    1. Thank you so much for the support, Cookie! πŸ™‚ I agree with you 100% – the muse has a will of its own lol


  7. hey char, i said to see that you had to post about your writing techniques and content. i think your writing is GREAT!!! it’s based on reality that happens to people everywhere no matter who or what they are. i have had trauma in my life and i have dealt with it to the best of my abilities. i love reading your stories. they make me laugh, cry, get angry, yearn, wish, hope and a lot of other emos that i need to survive in a world gone MAD. i thank you for your henat/ism and your smutt/iness. keep up the great writing and if it gets to be to much for *me* i will stop reading them(but it’s not likely i’ll do that). love your work. c’ya’

    1. Thank you so much, candace! (hugs) I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had traumas in your life πŸ™

      It makes me so happy to know that you love my stories and that they have had such a positive impact on your life πŸ™‚

      Thank you so much for the incredible support and best wishes! <3

  8. Char you are the best & I’m sorry you felt you needed to post this message. I’m guessing that people triggered by certain subjects in your writing (and writings by others) are totally unaware of the people who have been helped by the exact same stories. Someone can find healing by having a tragic experience recognized & shared by others, trust me, I Have.

    You are an artist and I 100% support your right to express your art and not be pressured to censor your work. Do what you do and let the buyer beware!”

    Side note, there have been plenty of stories I stopped reading because of subject matter I just didn’t like (not yours) but more often I’ve stopped reading due to horrendous grammar, atrocious spelling or an evident lack of knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, especially other cultures and specifically Japanese culture when it comes to Inuyasha fan-fiction. So I guess what I’m saying is I’m more turned off by a lazy or ignorant writer who’s clearly not interested in understanding the subject matter than I am by a dark topic. I love the guts all fanfic writers have to put their stuff out there but I don’t have to read them if it’s offensive to me or if they just repetitively use words that β€œdon’t mean what they think they mean” to sorta quote The Princess Bride!

    1. “Someone can find healing by having a tragic experience recognized & shared by others, trust me, I Have.” – thank you so much for sharing this, Molly. That is so encouraging to hear and something I have experienced in my personal life as well <3

      You are absolutely right that writing requires a lot of courage πŸ™‚ With every story I write and share, I feel like I'm putting a little piece of myself out there as well. It's terrifying but also freeing as well.

      Hope you continue to enjoy the stories I share πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and of course for the awesome support! <3

  9. A gifted writer takes his or her readers on a journey. It can be a happy light-hearted adventure or a very harrowing ride through the dark side of humanity. The readers can get off the ride anytime.

    You do not need to post warnings on your stories. Anyone who has read your previous works know you often delve into the darker aspects of human nature. But you do not do it to get shock value like certain writers do.

    There is no light without darkness. Characters are not 100 percent good, nor are they pure evil. The world you create is not clearly black and white.

    Readers come and readers go. Writers need to be true to themselves. The only voice you need to heed is your own.

    Full disclosure. A middle-aged man groped and tried to molest me at a priest’s house when I was 13 but I got away. My friends left me in a room with him and joked that he was my boyfriend. The priest was not home.

    I do not consider myself a victim but the Kavanaugh hearings did bring up bad memories because no one believed me either and I was made to feel that I was making a mountain out of a molehill. In the ’80s, sexual assault meant rape so apparently what happened to me was nothing in their eyes. I supposed if he had succeeded, I would have been believed. Maybe.

    But I digress.

    If someone cannot read one of your stories for whatever reason, they can drop the fic. I do that all the time with fanfics. I have not dropped any of your tales however.

    1. “There is no light without darkness. Characters are not 100 percent good, nor are they pure evil. The world you create is not clearly black and white.” – Beautifully said. When I write with realism, this is exactly what I have in mind – to write in the “grey” so to speak. Some stories and characters will tend more toward the dark or the light, but it varies and that variation is what makes the experience meaningful, suspenseful and unique in my opinion.

      I’m very sorry to hear about your experience with that man πŸ™ So relieved that you were able to get away. Your story reminds me so much of an unreported attempted assault that someone very close to me went through years ago (in the late 70s). It is sickening to think of what people have suffered through in silence because no one would believe them. I can only hope that one day the world will be a very different place.

      Anyway, thanks so much as always for sharing your perspective, Doug. Can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your feedback and support! πŸ™‚ <3

  10. Agreeing with everyone above me. Char you are an amazing writer and not that many people out there write the stuff you write. If people can’t handle real life situations with twist and turn to how you want to dictate then they need to grow a pear and get over themselves. Please don’t ever sugar coat your writing style just cause some people can’t handle darker stories.


    1. Thank you so much, Deidra – sincerely appreciate the support! <3 I promise I won't ever sugar coat πŸ˜‰

  11. Char, I also am in agreement with all the above. I too, have lived through some dark events in my life. I battled through depression and several attempts at suicide. One I was successful at but was resuscitated and was comatose for several days. Anyway, I choose to read your stories at my own risk because you have very excellent writing skills and I appreciate those skills. Your stories are true to life and engaging.

    I, normally, do not read stories that are very dark in nature but yours drew me in and held my interest…and still do. I admit that I do like happy endings but that, of course, is unrealistic because that is not always true in real life.

    Besides, this is your site and you can write whatever and however you please. If people disagree, then they are free to go elsewhere, right?…Right!

    Keep up the excellent work and I will keep being one of your many fans. πŸ™‚

    Have a great holiday!!!

    1. Cheryl, I am so sorry to hear about the depression you have battled through. πŸ™

      Thank you so much for the compliments about my writing and for your wonderful support πŸ™‚ So happy you’ve enjoyed reading my stories and the realism in them. I will keep working hard to deliver! πŸ™‚

      Best wishes and have a wonderful holiday as well!! <3 <3

  12. Hey char, I’ve been following your blog instead of on dokuga since I found it. I’m all caught up now! LOVED transgressions btw <3

    I will say I think trigger warnings help when starting a new fanfiction to give readers an idea of where it'll go- I have deep seated trauma about suicide, and so if I were to read a fanfiction where the main character succeeds in ending their life, it would cause me some distress without prior warning. But past that, it is ultimately up to the reader to decide whether or not to continue reading.

    Never feel like you should censor your own writing because it makes someone uncomfortable. I am a huge fan of dark fiction, and this has been a problem in multiple fandoms I've followed in the past.

    Another perspective: to me, even though I do not share most of the writing I do, dark fiction can also be a way for writers to work their way through their experiences in a safe, often therapeutic way. And that should never be discouraged.

    Keep doing you, boo. I love reading your stuff.

    1. Hey Lace!! πŸ™‚ Yay, so happy you’ve been reading along on the blog and that you enjoyed Transgressions!! πŸ˜€

      You make a fair point about trigger warnings – and one that I will do my best to keep in mind.

      Also, although I didn’t include this in my post, my writing is very much a therapeutic outlet for me in the way that you describe. Thank you so much for sharing this perspective πŸ™‚

      Hope you continue to enjoy my stories! I will keep doing me πŸ˜‰

      Best wishes and happy holidays!! <3

  13. This is YOUR site… YOUR art… Write whatever the fuck you want, girl. We’re all adults, you shouldn’t have to post any warnings. If someone doesn’t like what you write or is too fragile to handle it. GO READ SOMETHING ELSE AND KEEP YOUR WHINING TO YOURSELF. GEEZ.

  14. Okay … I’m totally confused? Sadly I hadn’t had much time to visit your blog in the last weeks. And seeing this post I’m asking myself now, what the hell is going on here?!

    Don’t you ever dare to lighten a story up just so to “appeal” to a bigger audience! I’m never going to forgive you!

    Your stories are so great because you are digging deep into the psychology of your characters. You show all of the sides they have. Including the dark, sometimes sadistic part. Only because of that fact your characters are “alive”.

    I have often heard that writers are afraid to describe or dwell for “too long” on a specific topic, be it rape, self-harm or suicide, because they are afraid of the reactions. They are afraid to “hurt” their reader.

    But I totally disagree!!! I HATE it when writer do this kind of stuff because in my eyes it is a kind of disrespect to all of those who suffered!!! It is the same as looking away. It is like walking away even when you see that someone needs help.

    Someone who is including for example rape in his story without reflecting on the inside of not only the victim but also the rapist, and someone who is not writing lengthy about the what happenes “after” is not taking this topic seriously and disrespecting the victims by playing everything down, by ignoring the suffering. By not giving this topic the room in his story that it deserves!

    You are not one of them. You FOCUS on the inside of your characters, their thoughts, their intension, their heartbreak, their bloodlust.

    And that’s why I love your storys. They are authentic because you do not look away. You do not play down.

    1. Thank you, VS! So happy to hear that you love my stories and the depth of focus I try to bring to these dark subjects. It’s as difficult to write as it is to read…but like you said, I don’t want to gloss over these topics just because they are dark or disturbing.

      That said, I also don’t want people to be triggered by what I write either. So the point of this post was just to create a kind of FAQ for the blog so that hopefully people will know what to expect from my writing πŸ™‚

      Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and for your support! Hope you continue to enjoy my stories <3

      1. I’m not sure if this is going to work out with the layout of this blog. But here is my suggestion: I have seen a lot of times on tumblr for example that people write on the “self description” part generell warnings like “this blog contains NSFW stuff”. Maybe you could include such a kind of warning in the layout, so that it is visible all the time. Something like “Warning: If you read my storys you will be confronted with … “

  15. Oh, how did I miss this? I feel this in my soul because whenever I write Kagome how I like she’s read as a bitch. And I struggle to understand because real women aren’t Mary Sues! It burns my ass because on the other hand my Sesshomaru is tastefully sexist, and that’s gotten complaints. But how progressive is a demon 500 years in the future supposed to be goddammit? Oh, what does Kagome have a golden pussy that’ll suddenly makes him see “the light?”

    *Writes a shameless crackfic*

    “Not realistic, Kagome’s a bitch, Sesshomaru’s an idiot.” My mistake. A 15 year old jumping down a well 500 years in the past is where it’s at.

    Get it out.

    Please don’t ever hold back! I love your writing, and I’ve said this many times but I love your rawness. My eyes roll right out my head whenever I come across the following in fics:

    Cheesy “can’t live without you” romance. In particular when it happens so suddenly. Pfft. That ain’t nothing but lust. Kill me if there’s page after page of angst laden prose. I cannot.

    “Pups”/children taking up too much of the plot. No stop! I have a kid. It’s great, it’s horrible, and we’re tired.

    Your fics lacks this and it’s so appreciated. Words can’t express.

    1. “Oh, what does Kagome have a golden pussy that’ll suddenly makes him see β€œthe light?” ” – BAHAHAHA. Oh man…so spot on. Nothing makes me roll my eyes faster than shit like this.

      I feel vicarious annoyance over the people who’ve criticized you for writing Sess as a sexist. IT’S FUCKING FEUDAL JAPAN, PEOPLE! If anything, him NOT being at least somewhat of a sexist would be surprising…

      And don’t even get me started on the “pups” epidemic – let’s just say that every time I come across that word being used as a verb, the whole browser window gets closed hahaha.

      Anyway, you got me riled up here lol but we authors have just gotta keep on keepin’ on πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for the support and hope you continue to enjoy my fics!! <3

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