SessKag Series: Control, Part 26

This entry is part 26 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

“You understand that youkai mating urges are far stronger than humans’,” Sesshoumaru stated, holding her gaze with disturbing intensity. “That among my kind, a point is reached at which the act must continue.”

Furiously, Kagome flushed, her unease magnified. Only after she and Inuyasha had married had he confided to her how difficult it’d been for him to be around her at times—especially, unsettingly, when she was ‘in season,’ as he’d put it. She’d understood, then, why he’d been so irascible and distant with her on those occasions. Even early on, when she’d suspected him of sneaking off to see Kikyou, he’d often just been giving his beleaguered instincts a break.

There were other instincts as well—other things she’d come to learn about after marrying him…

“You don’t have to do that,” she told Sesshoumaru bluntly. “You don’t have to reach that point.”

“No,” he conceded, “yet my nature drives me to it. Unchecked, I will reach it, whether I wish to or not.” He glanced away from her again. “By the time I return to myself, it is too late. Before, I had Tenseiga, but now…”

Kagome fought to suppress a shudder. Against a demon as powerful as Sesshoumaru, an ordinary woman stood no chance of keeping him in check. Even Mayuri’s latent reiki hadn’t been enough. With vast natural power and years of experience wielding it, Kagome doubted whether even she could.

“You have to stop,” she blurted out, her voice rising somewhat hysterically. “If you can’t keep your instincts from taking hold of you, then you have to stop rutting with humans. You’ve seen over and over again that they can’t survive it. Take your urges out on demonesses who can.”

Chillingly, he met her eye. “They are no longer to my taste.”

Kagome’s panic rose—along with her fury. So, at last they came to the crux of the issue: Sesshoumaru had sampled mortal women and now preferred them. Exclusively.

An obsession, a human fetish—this was the reason why those women had been killed. It was sick, repulsive. More hypocritical than she ever could have imagined. All the disdain, all the barbs and opposition—and in the end, he was the worst perpetrator of the bunch. She wondered just how long his twisted lust had been dictating his actions. Her mouth even opened to ask him—

Then she decided, as her stomach gave a sour turn, that she was better off not knowing.

“If you truly regretted it,” she bit out instead, “if you truly wanted it to stop, you should have come to me.”

Sesshoumaru inclined his head to her in deference. “I am coming to you now.”

Kagome considered him narrowly. For all his power, for all his pride and outward perfection, Sesshoumaru harbored this one detestable weakness. This single damning flaw. She despised it, loathed it, but still, she couldn’t quite bring herself to loathe him.

And so, she would have to fix him.

A curious electricity ran through her at this revelation—a surreal lightness. An epiphany. In that moment of divine clarity, she saw herself—saw her entire life—as if from above. All the twisted paths, all the seemingly disjointed pieces formed a pattern. Every decision she had made had led her to this moment, and she could see, she could see that this was her destiny.

He was her destiny.

The zeal of this conviction lit her eyes—lit her whole being from the way he was looking at her. Her doubts vanished. She knew now that she was strong enough—because she had to be.


His gaze snapped to hers—demonic and dark, the antithesis to all that she was, to all that she believed in. She felt the fullness of her power, the righteousness of her wrath propel her to her feet above him.

“If your father could control himself, then so can you,” she declared. “You are going to learn how—I’m going to teach you how.” Decisively, she peered down at him as he stared up at her in rapt attention. “I’m going to check you, Sesshoumaru.”

This was the lot she had drawn, her duty and her penance both—and it was just. It was right.

So perfectly, terribly right.

Sesshoumaru continued to stare up at her, utterly still. His lips were slightly parted, his dilated pupils transfixed upon her. His restrained youki stirred, but she knew he wouldn’t raise it against her. Like with Kohaku, Kagome realized—with no small amount of gratification—that she had the upper hand with him. Unlike with Kohaku, she felt no compunction in using it.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she sternly resumed. “There will be no more killings—do you understand?”

“Yes,” he said promptly, huskily, covering her bare toes with his claws.

Kagome jerked her foot back as if burned, her lips thinning in disgust. “Don’t you dare touch me. The next time you get that filthy urge of yours, you come to me. Until then, get out of my sight. You’re not welcome in my home. You’re not welcome in this village, anymore.”

Slowly, Sesshoumaru retracted his hand, a scowl darkening his features.

Kagome glared back at him, a pale flame of reiki enfolding her. “Get out.

Scowling still, Sesshoumaru left.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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12 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Control, Part 26

  1. We’ve finally arrived at the beginning of the tunnel. I am not used to this kind of Sesshomaru, but I am very open to where this will lead. Very interesting indeed..

  2. Ok, I relent to the fact that Sesshomaru is a rapist and murderer much to my chagrin. 😐

    Sooo, Kagome has become a Dominatrix to Sesshomaru much to her chagrin. 😐
    That’s her destiny from now on? Seems weird that he started raping and killing 2 months after Naraku’s defeat. Why at that particular time frame? Was it because Kagome was out of his reach and she, the real object of his desire, belonged to Inuyasha? She thinks Sesshomaru is a hypocrite but she is also one. She finds him disgusting for what he did and not being able to maintain that all consuming control that he is known to have but on the other hand she didn’t seem to mind the fact that Inuyasha screwed a dead corpse that fed off of young maiden’s souls in order to maintain her so called life. She forgave him. When Inuyasha lost control of his beast and went on a rampage killing innocents, she forgave him. When she met up with Kouga and found that he killed and ate humans, she forgave him. Why does she find Sesshomaru unforgivable for his transgressions? Is it out of jealousy because it involved him having sex with these women that she finds him too disgusting to forgive?

    Oh well, just some more of my wacky thoughts 🙂

    I sense that this story is coming to an end. lol 🙂

    1. Kagome certainly seems to have some double standards lol – at the very least!

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Cheryl!! Always look forward to hearing your reactions 😊

      Have a wonderful weekend 💕

  3. Whelp. It seems you have written your way into my top fanfiction list. Somewhere between “Tales from the house of the moon,” “Higher Education” and “This Sesshomaru doesn’t do Christmas.” I can argue this is better penned than the mentioned but that alone doesn’t make a story great.

    What I take from your writing, and hopefully this will make sense, your dialogue is excellent, and you “show” what is important and “tell” when necessary. It’s flowery in a way that doesn’t exhaust me, and that takes skill. Your writing voice is unique, draws one in and doesn’t hold my hand. It’s deliciously dark. I’m nearing 30 years old and so much fanfiction is so…cheesy, or so sweet It rots my teeth out my mouth. “Get these flowers away from me shake something , why don’t you?”

    Personally, I blame internet porn but I distress.

    I follow and study your writing closely. What I’ve taken from it in the last few months is learning how to “unpack.” And when I say unpack I mean “showing” when before I’d use a adverb and call it a day. Thanks for that.

    Again, this Sesshomaru, as in your Sesshomaru is my favorite, possibly ever.

    1. Wow! Thank you so much 😊 it’s such an honor to be included among the illustrious fanfic authors you mentioned!

      I’m almost 30 as well! – and I totally get where you’re coming from with regards to the typical fanfic. To each their own, and while I love experimenting with different genres, I’ve always been drawn to the darker side of things 😊

      Beyond happy to hear that my writing has been helping you with your own! Highest compliment I could receive 😊 Honing the craft is what it’s all about – I’m a avid student myself!

      And of course I’m extremely flattered that my interpretation of Sess is your fav! I’ll try my best to keep up the good work 😊

      Thanks a million, Inuyaoi – and have a fabulous weekend!! ❤️

  4. Welp she has justified her new role as Sesshoumaru’s “master”. Cheryl is right, Kagome has turned into a dominatrix.

    Or maybe he is letting her play the role until the beast shows her she isn’t really in charge.

    Perhaps the grief of losing Inuyasha, dealing with the murders and rapes plus the shocking discovery that the killer is Sesshoumaru has led to Kagome becoming twisted.

    She has embarked on a path that may end with her death.

  5. Circling back around, we’re a bend away from the beginning of the story. It makes more sense, but the general feeling and idea is the same as it was then. The horror, the distrust, and the BDSM-ism of it.

  6. You do such an amazing job of showing and not telling. You’re a phenomenal writer, I hope you pursue a career in the craft!

    1. Aw thank you so much! <3 Being a professional writer has been my dream since I was 12...thanks again for the encouragement! Hopefully someday I can make it work <3

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