Updates to the Fanfiction Page!

Been meaning to get around to this for a while now, but if you head over to the Fanfiction page, you’ll now see a new category at the top for “Blog Fics.” This is a listing of all the fic series and one-shots that are (as of now at least) ONLY published here on my blog.

If and when I decide to publish these elsewhere, I’ll move the links out of Blog Fics and into the appropriate fandom category (eg, Elysium). Also, if I decide to continue any of the blog-only “One shots,” I’ll include them in the “Series” listing (eg, The Pact). Of course, if you ever read a short fic of mine and think it would be a good series, please let me know! 😊

From here on out, I’ll do my best to try to keep the Blog Fics category updated chronologically, so if you haven’t visited the blog in a while and want to see what fics have been published/updated most recently, those should be the ones at the top of the list! Hopefully this will help prevent stories from getting lost in the weeds haha 😆

Anyway, I’m always looking for ways to improve the blog, so if you have any ideas, feel free to share! Happy reading 😊


8 thoughts on “Updates to the Fanfiction Page!

  1. god bless organization. i like how it came out!

    i think that a recs list would be cool. im always checking out the favs and recs of authors i like, more than scrolling the results of advanced search. when a good author has a lot of bookmarked/faved stuff, i feel like i won the lottery, lmao. and since it can get so miscelaneous, id give it some kind of order (manga/book/ff, pairing, fandom, etc).

    1. Thanks, Junot! A recs list is a great idea!! I think I’ll make a new page for it…now, to think about how to lay it out. Really appreciate your suggestions & glad you like the Fanfiction page! <3 🙂

    1. Thanks, Faith! Yeah, it’s been driving me kinda nuts not having the blog stories in one place – it took a while even for me to hunt them all down lol


  2. Thank you 🙂 now I can enjoy all your stories with just a few clicks! And I second the idea of making a rec list– I think I’ve been on the SessKag scene for so long that it’s hard to find nice stories to read anymore ;___; I read through my favorites all the time. That’s why I really look forward to whatever you post here, it’s like a breathe of fresh air! :)))

    1. Aw thank you, Ri! 🙂 So glad you’re enjoying the new page and that it’s been helpful to locate my stories haha! 🙂

      Thanks for seconding the rec list – definitely on my agenda! I think it’s a wonderful idea too – and I know what you mean about it being hard to find new stories! I also tend to just re-read my fav authors/stories from back in the day lol

      And thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! Makes me beyond happy to hear that you enjoy my stories – I so very much enjoy sharing them with you! <3 <3 <3

  3. I really like the new categorization. So much growth in such a small amount of time. I can’t believe it.

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