SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 103

This entry is part 103 of 119 in the series Daily Transgressions [Complete]

As Kagura flew away toward the western sea, Sesshoumaru turned to Kohaku, whose dark anxious eyes followed her still.

“Take hold of my tail,” the daiyoukai said, offering the length of fur to the young man as he rose. “I will take you to your sister.”

Nodding, the boy tore his gaze away from the sorceress’s fading form and grabbed onto Sesshoumaru. Together, they traveled east, to Edo.

On the outskirts of the village, Sesshoumaru touched down, Kohaku dropping nimbly to the ground beside him. The daiyoukai had endeavored not to draw too much attention, but his efforts were in vain. They had scarcely landed when Kagome’s friends began to throng around them, the young taijiya’s sister at the forefront.

“Kohaku!” she exclaimed tearfully as she threw her arms around him.

“Ane-ue,” Kohaku greeted, smiling tremulously as he embraced her back.

Leaving the humans to their happy reunion, Sesshoumaru looked to the north and west. He would remove himself to a remote corner of his lands and await Magatsuhi there. As youki gathered beneath his feet, a plaintive voice called out to him.

“Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin gasped, gripping his hakama in plea. “You cannot be leaving again so soon…”

Sesshoumaru’s gaze softened as he considered her. This human child…he understood now why he had been compelled to care for her so. She had been the safe outlet for his affections, for all the tenderness he could not allow himself to show for Kagome. As he looked down upon her, he felt distinctly undeserving of her devotion, yet she continued to stare up at him in adoration nevertheless. The sight pleased and pained him all at once.

“Rin,” he said, running the tips of his claws through her messy bangs, “to remain here would place you in danger. This is why I must go.”

As Rin bowed her head in understanding, Jakken pitched himself forward.

“Milord!” the imp cried, falling onto his hands and knees. “Please allow this Jakken to accompany you once more!”

Breaking away from his sister, the young taijiya approached Sesshoumaru as well. As Sango looked on with a worried frown, Kohaku sank to a knee, bringing his fist to his chest.

“Sesshoumaru-sama,” the boy said gravely, “I would follow you also. Please take me into your service.”

Kohaku–what are you saying?” Sango countered fiercely, striding forward and hauling him up by the arm.

Gently, the boy shrugged her off. “I owe Sesshoumaru-sama my life, Ane-ue. He’s the one who revived me after Kagura removed the Jewel shard from my back.”

As Sango looked toward Sesshoumaru in surprise, the monk stepped forward, his gaze circumspect.

“You have the shard, then, Sesshoumaru-sama?” Miroku asked.

“Yes,” the daiyoukai answered, looking off toward the west again. “I will use it to lure Kagome’s captor out into the open—his hanyou master, as well.”

“Naraku.” The monk’s violet eyes narrowed. “So, he was the one behind Kagome-sama’s disappearance…”

Sesshoumaru’s features hardened. “He holds her captive, still.”

“In his phantom castle,” Kohaku added grimly. “He had Kagura tend to her wounds—that much I remember.”

This knowledge was of little comfort to Sesshoumaru, who could only guess at what twisted motives might belie such an act.

“Kagome-chan…she’s alive,” Sango breathed out in relief, her gaze sharpening as it returned to Sesshoumaru. “If my brother is following you into this battle, then so am I.”

Sliding an arm around her shoulders, the monk inclined his head toward Sesshoumaru. “Where Sango goes, I go as well.”

As the three humans and imp stared at him in stubborn resolve, the daiyoukai turned slightly away with a sigh.

“As you wish,” he said.

At once, Jakken hurried off to saddle Ah-Un, the young kitsune steeling his mournful expression as he took Rin by the hand.

“Don’t worry, Rin-chan,” he said bravely. “I’ll look after you until they get back.”

The little girl gave him a wobbly smile as they returned to the elderly miko, who had been waiting silently and solemnly by, her lone visible eye piercing Sesshoumaru as she steered the children back toward the village.

“…Thank you,” Sango said grudgingly to him as she turned likewise, “for saving my brother. But this doesn’t make up for what you did to Kagome-chan.”

“No,” Sesshoumaru agreed, “it does not.”

With one last hard glance, Sango allowed the monk to lead her away. As his followers prepared for the battle ahead, Sesshoumaru withdrew the bundled Jewel shard, tracing the pad of his thumb over the bloodied ribbon that concealed it.

Nothing can.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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7 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 103

    1. D:

      …just wanted to say thanks so much for all your comments on the recent Transgressions chapters!! So enjoyed reading your reactions 🙂 <3

  1. Hmm. I withhold judgement on Sesshoumaru’s new attitude until I see how he behaves towards Kagome after they are reunited. So often men fuck up the grovelling and apologies by making it all about them instead of endeavoring to listen and give the one they love the resolution they need.

    I hope Kagome is able to help rescue herself too. She needs some return of her sense of power and control after all that’s been taken from her by someone she should have been able to trust.

    1. Ha it’s sad but true – the good ol’ “I’m sorry, *but*…”

      And so glad you want to see Kagome empowered 🙂

      Thanks for sharing, Faith! 🙂 <3

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