It’s freedom day bitches

A most blessed and splendiferous 4th of July to my fellow Americans! On this day like 300 years ago we told the British to kindly go fuck themselves and coffee became the national beverage. Or something like that.

Anyway, in the spirit of American Independence Day, I will not be posting any fic updates today. But fear not! I have already written the next installment, and since it’s long and I really want it to be good and not half-assed, I’d rather take an extra day to get it juuuuust right. The holiday is a mere coincidence really.

And now, in the true spirit of Independence Day, I will be getting well and properly wasted so that I can be well and properly hung over for work tomorrow. Thank all the gods and Jesus for my boss being out of town.

Anywho, thanks friends, and hope you enjoy your holiday if you’re from the US or your Wednesday if you’re not. Since the grocery store didn’t have any hot dog buns and I rage quit that place in protest, I’m gonna get a head start on my white trash 4th of July feast of rum and week-old hot dogs I already have mixed with Mac n cheese.

Last random thought—if you haven’t already, please for god’s sake read The Window by Silvershine (sorry too lazy to link but a quick google should do the trick)! Man, just finished re-reading and it was every bit as good as the first time. I laughed, I cried, I squirmed—can’t rec it enough, y’all.

Okay, for real I’m out. Peace! ✌ 💕

8 thoughts on “It’s freedom day bitches

  1. have a great night!! im not from us, so no excuses for getting wasted for me lmao.

    take your time for posting, the longer the better (…….thats what she said). im loving how its working out <3

    and omg, the window is truly a kakasaku classic. now i will be tempted to read some parts of it -for the 749238th time, lol.

    1. lolol thanks, Junot!! <3 so glad you're liking the story! 🙂 and yeah, silvershine...her stories are crack. for real

      thanks again! <3

  2. Happy Day to Blow Shit the Fuck Up and NOT GET ARRESTED FOR IT!!!! WHOOOHOO!!!

    Happy 4th!!

    1. hahaha Woohoo!! i’m just glad i didn’t blow up my apartment cooking drunk last night 🙂

      hope your 4th was a blast!! <3 <3

  3. Happy set-off-fireworks-until-four-fucking-am Day. (PLZ STOP NEIGHBORS) Hope it was a good one! I also read that Kakasaku fic, and while I never shipped them before, it was surprisingly enjoyable!

    1. lol pretty sure I was still hearing fireworks in my sleep whenever I passed out early this morning…

      I feel like silvershine’s fics are so good they have universal appeal whether you ship the pairing or not! i hope to god she’s still out there writing something, somewhere…what a talent! 🙂

      Thanks, Mimo & hope your 4th of July was fantastic (apart from the annoying neighbors!) 🙂 <3

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