13 thoughts on “Fuck Real Life

  1. Yikes, I hope things are alright. Here’s to hoping tomorrow is much much better! Take that much needed break.

    1. sometimes a day just goes from bad to worse…but today is looking up ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks, Mimo! <3

  2. Oh man. So sorry that real life is being a bastard! Please feel free to give yourself a break- hoping tomorrow looks better! <3

  3. No worries!!! I would say make some really hard lemonade. But hey I may join in with a nice tall glass of forgiving wine.. lolol feel better!

    1. hard lemonade always hits the spot!! ๐Ÿ™‚ though wine is the go-to hehe

      feeling much better now, though! thanks so much for the kind words, DevaG!! <3

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