SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 15

This entry is part 15 of 144 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Kagome’s damp fingers were surprisingly clear as she brought them before her. Cleaning them off along with the rest of her, she dressed herself in the red kimono with trembling hands, enlisting the help of her neighbor to tie the obi. Hastily, she pinned up her mussed hair, raising the collar of her kimono a little higher to cover the faint red scratches the stricture of the necklace had left on her skin.

Night had long since fallen by the time she left the hut. Lantern in hand, she made her way toward Sango and Miroku’s home—a large dwelling with various additions tacked onto it over the years as the monk and taijiya’s family continued to expand. In the darkness the place looked like some sort of slumbering boxy beast as Kagome stepped across the threshold.

Bright and loud and warm as ever, the place was full of excited talk and laughter. The savory aromas and the clink of bowls and cups indicated that dinner was well underway. Heading toward the main room, Kagome spied Shippou at once. Seated near the door, the fox boy beamed as she entered.

“Kagome-chan!” he exclaimed.

Springing over to her, he showed off his shiny new rank badge. Kagome smiled. She was just opening her mouth to congratulate him when a scathing, slightly slurred voice from the opposite end of the room cut her off.

“Well, well, if it isn’t my lovely wife. Nice of you to show up.”

Kagome stiffened as a hush fell over the room. Flushing in embarrassment, she turned toward Inuyasha with a reproachful frown. Leaning a bit to one side, he glared her down in turn, a sake cup clenched in his fist.

“Come over here and sit beside me—it’s the least you could do,” he snapped, yanking her down onto the empty cushion next to him as soon as she was within arm’s reach.

Staring straight ahead, Kagome clasped her hands in her lap and grit her teeth. Tactfully, Rin broke the tension by asking Sango how she’d prepared one of the dishes. As conversation resumed, Kagome picked at her meal, thankful at least that Sesshoumaru wasn’t around. There had only been an outside chance that he’d show up, but it was always a possibility, seeing as how Rin invited him to everything.

A sick feeling swept over Kagome again as her mind strayed to the necklace. She didn’t know what had possessed her earlier, and she didn’t want to. Hormonal and distressed, she’d just gotten swept up in some absurd, sordid fantasy, born from the heat of a disturbed moment. Thoroughly disgusted with herself, she forcefully repressed all further thought of it.

She hadn’t spoken a word to Inuyasha since she’d arrived. She could feel the animosity radiating off him as he poured himself another stout cup of wine. He was already drunk—and only getting drunker, it seemed. Kagome lowered her eyes in guilt, knowing she was to blame.

“Here,” he said shortly, plunking a second cup of sake down before her. “Drink.”

Kagome turned her face away, the acrid smell making her empty stomach turn. “No thanks.”

“I’m telling you to drink it,” he growled, picking up the cup and thrusting it in her face.

No, Inuyasha,” she said, her eyes cutting to him.

Rin, Sango, and a few other friends glanced nervously in their direction. Inuyasha snorted, withdrawing the cup.

“Fine, I’ll drink it myself,” he said, his eyes staring darkly into hers as he downed the sake in one swig.

Before he could speak again, Sango interjected mildly, “Kagome-chan, would you like some more tea?”

Kagome nodded gratefully as her friend slipped between them to refill her cup. Meeting Sango’s concerned look with a well-practiced smile, Kagome drank a few sips as the taijiya returned to her seat.

“May I have some more as well, my love?” Miroku asked smoothly, a pretty blush spreading across Sango’s cheeks as she obliged him.

Kagome tensed as Inuyasha’s claws curved around the back of her neck, dragging her closer to him. “…See how she looks at him,” he muttered sourly. “Why don’t you look at me that way?”

She swallowed anxiously as his grip tightened. Before she could stop him, he was ripping out her hairpins. Her long locks tumbled down her shoulders as the chopsticks clattered to the floor.

“That’s better.” His claws fisted in the tangled fall of her hair. “I hate having to look at that filthy scar on your neck…it pisses me off, knowing you let some bastard put his fangs in you.”

Kagome tensed further. “Stop it, Inuyasha…you’re just drunk.”

“Maybe I am.” His lips twisted in scorn as he lifted the sake to his mouth again. “Or maybe you’re just a whore.”

For a moment, Kagome was too shocked even to breathe. Everyone else in the room seemed similarly frozen. Her friends were used to Inuyasha’s belligerence and his and his wife’s heated bickering, but this was something else entirely. As the moment passed and Kagome began to tremble with hurt and humiliation, the atmosphere darkened. Even Miroku glared at Inuyasha in stern disapproval.

“I think you’ve had enough for one night,” the monk reproved coldly, folding his arms into his sleeves. “You should apologize to Kagome-sama.”

“Don’t act all high and mighty, Miroku,” Inuyasha ground out. His seething stare fixed on Kagome. “If you had to live with her, you’d be drinking too.”

A few strands of her hair sheared off in his claws as Kagome abruptly stood, leaving the room without a word. Not bothering to light a lantern, she strode out from the hut and into the dark. A short distance away, she paused to catch her breath. Bracing a hand against the side of a shed, she swayed as a wave of vertigo washed over her.

She was just pushing off to resume her course when clawed hands slammed her back against the wall again. Kagome gasped, flinching away as her husband’s wine-soaked breath fanned over her face.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, storming off from me like that?”

“Let go of me, Inuyasha,” Kagome whispered harshly. “I’m going home.”

“You can go home when I say you can,” her husband returned lowly, catching her by the chin and steering her roughly back. “Look at me.”

Warily, she met his gaze. Apart from the times his demon blood had taken him over, she’d never seen him this unhinged before. His golden eyes were roiling and bloodshot, his fangs bared and features twisted in a grimace of anger and misery and need.

“Gods, you’re so beautiful,” he rasped out, crushing the full length of his body against hers as he ran a hand possessively over the curve of her hip. “You wore this kimono for me, didn’t you?”

Kagome nodded. Her nails curled beseechingly into his haori as the points of his claws bit into her cheek.

“That’s because you’re mine,” he rumbled. Kagome winced as he increased the pressure of his hold. “If you ever look at another man…I’ll tear you apart.”

“Inuyasha…” she said tremulously. His claws dug deeper into her skin. “…Inuyasha, you’re scaring me.”

His jaw clenched. His eyes gleamed with sorrow even as he made her whimper in pain. “…Good.”


Snarling, he turned. “Fuck off, Sesshoumaru. This has nothing to do with you.”

Unfazed by his brother’s menace, the daiyoukai stepped forward. “Release her. Now.”

Inuyasha’s ears flattened to his skull. “Don’t tell me what to do with my own woman.”

With the slightest narrowing of his eyes, Sesshoumaru struck out. Seizing Inuyasha by the collar, he hurled him back into an abandoned hut across the road. The rickety structure collapsed as the hanyou crashed into it. A cry tore from Kagome’s throat.


Sesshoumaru caught her around the waist as she lunged toward her buried husband. A few more splintered beams broke down over him. As Inuyasha rose and staggered sluggishly from the rubble, she threw off Sesshoumaru’s arm with a glare.

“My husband is right,” she said shakily to him. Her eyes flashed as she went to Inuyasha’s side. “This has nothing to do with you!”

Not even daring to glance behind her, she slid a supportive arm around Inuyasha’s back. Still drunk and now possibly concussed, he leaned heavily into her all the way home.

Brushing the splinters and debris out of his hair, Kagome helped him undress and put him to bed. Golden eyes watched her blearily as she removed her kimono and slipped on a tank top and shorts. She was tired down to her bones. Since she’d put in another tampon right before the party, and she didn’t seem to be bleeding much yet anyway, Kagome decided to forego switching it out and just go straight to sleep instead. As she lay down beside her husband, he pulled her to his chest.

“Kagome…” Inuyasha mumbled into her hair. “You know I would never hurt you…”

“…I know,” she said past the lump in her throat.

The arm around her tightened. “Tell me…” he said on a dreamy sigh. “Tell me that you love me.”

Closing her eyes, she sighed as well.

“…I love you, Inuyasha.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Revised 7/29/22

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26 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 15

  1. This is super heartbreaking. I remember when I first saw Inuyasha the anime as a teenager, I didn’t care for him. He was loud, kinda dumb, and selfish. (lol I stayed around for Sesshoumaru!) I was a little bummed when the seires ended and Kagome and Inuyasha are married. like it knew it was coming but I had hoped for for an open end. Let everyone guess what might happen. Like maybe she woke up and was like ‘hey i think we would be better off as friends’

    Reading this chapter, I would say this is what teenage me expected out of Inuyasha, the very worst. And I find myself wishing Kagome would just pack up and go. A baby in a relationship like that is just going to make things worse for everyone. (BTW she’s totes preggers!) Inuyasha’s insecurities is going to end up killing someone and once again the ‘Queen of denial’ has struck again. He’s already hurt you girl!! GET OUT!! IT WON’T BE THE LAST TIME!!!
    Oh Sesshoumaru please f**k some sense into her!!!

    1. I felt the same way re: Inuyasha being a butt and wanting the series to be open-ended. Also completely agree with you on the rest of your comment. 🙂

    2. I feel like I felt the same way 🙂 I was also a teenager when I first started watching the anime (on Adult Swim lol). Inuyasha made me roll my eyes so many times…and honestly with the amount that he and Kagome were always fighting, it didn’t seem like (at least in the beginning) that they should be together. XD Now that I’m re-watching the anime, I have more of a soft spot for the guy…but oh well! just adds more fuel to the fire writing this fic haha

      While I loved that Kagome chose to the live in the past at the end of the series, I too had hoped for a more open ending… I’ve thought a lot about it, and in many ways, ‘The Pact’ is the outcome of those musings and what ifs. (And my own cynical worldview lol…)

      Anyways, sorry to ramble on! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts & reactions, Nicole!! <3

  2. Oh man…..sometime I will have to PM you about how this story parallels a (long past) time in my life…(feel free to shoot me an email!)
    That said, I’m still holding out hope that Kagome will accept her feelings for Sesshoumaru and the story will have a happy outcome for my favorite fictional couple. Can’t wait to read more!!

    1. lol, you and me both…! would love to swap stories!! 🙂

      so happy you’re enjoying the fic! thanks so much! <3

  3. THIS HURTS ME SO GOOD. UGH. Sesshoumaru just…wants to keep her well and safe–KAGOME. THE BETTER OPTION IS Right there tho, yeah I get it. She’s a loyal and ‘good’ girl. She wants to stay true to Inuyasha but her body and mind has already wandered to the maturity Sesshoumaru can offer–but it’s so much harder when Inuyasha is still her friend that she cares about..

    1. it’s always been interesting to me how long people (including myself lol) will continue to stay in an bad situation just because it’s what they’re used to…love breeds familiarity and familiarity breeds love. emotions get so tangled up sometimes it can be hard get down to brass tacks and make an objective decision about the situation. sigh

      anyway, glad you’re enjoying the emotional rollercoaster in this story haha! 🙂 poor Kagome…growing up is hard.

      thanks for sharing your take, Mimo! <3

  4. Inuyasha is not a dolt. I think deep down he knows Kagome is drifting away from him. He is not buying these “training session trips” anymore.

    In the anime and manga, Inuyasha was keenly aware that neither humans nor demons really accepted him. He had to survive on his own. You had to earn his trust and break through the walls he erected around himself. There were moments when he doubted himself and felt unsure of his place in Kagome’s life.

    Kagome loved him for who he was – flaws and all. She trusted him and cared for him when many didn’t. She gave up her life with her family to be with him in the past.

    Because she is Kikyo’s reincarnation, it would not be a stretch to conclude that Inuyasha would think they were meant to be together.

    Now if you consider this fic as their future, you would realize how infidelity will devastate Inuyasha. He would see it as a deep betrayal and a rejection. His wife fell for the full demon brother who he views as someone who got everything when he grew up with nothing. It would bring up those old insecurities about being not good enough because he is a hanyou.

    I can see him attacking her, even killing her, when he finds out. He might also lose himself to his demon blood. The potential for tragedy is there.

    But you can see how the marriage is unraveling already. They married young. Their views on issues, gender roles etc are not in sync. She is also bored with her humdrum life in the village.

    1. I couldn’t agree more with your analysis of Inuyasha. Despite how he acts in the anime (and in this story) the poor guy certainly has my sympathies…to never really feel like you fit in anywhere, to never really feel like you can trust anyone. Kikyou may have loved Inuyasha but even she didn’t really accept him for who he was – him becoming human was her condition for the continuation of their relationship.

      You hit on so many salient points! – It was Kagome’s love and acceptance that saved Inuyasha, that broke down his walls and allowed other people like Shippou, Miroku and Sango in. Kagome will always be a special person to Inuyasha, but as you said, they married young…

      I know I’ve ranted about ‘young marriages’ before. They really can go one way or the other…so this story, I guess, is that *other* way…

      Thanks a million for sharing your insights, Doug! Always get fired up reading your take on events! <3

  5. The words you used in the altercation between Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were very interesting. Sesshoumaru is the master of control at all times but I feel when Inuyasha said “This has nothing to do with you” and “Don’t tell me what to do with my own woman” it really set him off because when it comes to Kagome it has everything to do with him. In addition the own woman comment set him off the most because in Sesshoumaru’s eyes she is his woman because he has marked her. I found it interesting that he held her back from running to him but once he saw Inuyasha get up and was slowly walking back he let her go, he could have easily held her.

    1. so glad you enjoyed the word choice in the altercation!! lol, i must have rewritten this part like 5 times…i wanted it to be just right 🙂

      once again, so much love reading your take, Badtzmaru!! thank you for sharing such awesome feedback <3

  6. Geez it’s so long that I have to divide into two parts.

    Oh my goodness! This situation is worse than I thought.

    Inuyasha has been to the modern world. He of all people should know that Kagome will never fit for feudal era standards. She won’t be the wife who lets the husband provide food and follows his orders.

    Yet in Ch.14, when they’re having a conversation about Kagome’s “training”, they’re not discussing as a couple, or even as equals. It’s more like Kagome has to ask for his permission. HIS PERMISSION! Can you believe that? Inuyasha acts like it’s Kagome’s fault that she has different ideas. What’s more, how dare he dictate what Kagome wears?

    I finally understand why Kagome thinks living with him is suffocating. And Inuyasha thinks he is being lenient by letting she has some space. Ugh, I’m so mad.

    However, despite the cultural conflicts, he does have a reason to be angry. Knowing Kagome intends to leave him alone in the new moon, that sign indicates a lot.
    Inuyasha is not stupid. He must have sensed that Kagome is being emotionally more distant. In fact, the whole reason why he becomes so suffocating and needy is he loves her deeply. I guess he has a feeling that he is losing her, and hence his behaviors in this chapter.

    Everything he does in the chapter is practically screaming domestic abuse.
    He said he won’t hurt Kagome. Well, he may not have that intent in mind. But he will hurt her anyway. Inuyasha gives me chills when he threatens to tear apart Kagome.

    With his father died and mother passed away a few years later, being mocked and shunned by both humans and demons, to say Inuyasha had a painful childhood is an understatement. And we all know what that kind of childhood will lead to.
    His history with Kikyo doesn’t help the case, either. He has no idea how to maintain a relationship, not to mention marriage. I should have known. In the anime, Inuyasha often forbad Kagome from going back to her home, as if he had the right to do so. And he was already insanely jealous.
    It is his fear of loss and betrayal, along with the cultural differences, that drives them apart. I feel sorry for him, really I do. But it doesn’t justify what he has become.

    As a Freudian, now I’m wondering why it has never occurred to me that Inuyasha could behave in this way. I guess that’s because the anime (or manga) is too fairytale. A Sengoku Jidai fairytale.
    Of course, that’s exactly what Takahashi-sensei wants it to be.
    However, just like any fairytales, if you take a realistic turn, then there is no happy-ever-after.
    Life is complex, and it doesn’t always go the way you want.

    While Inuyasha is no doubt the main cause of their sad marriage. I’m not going to say Kagome doesn’t take any responsibility.
    Kagome may never openly admit it, but it is true that she wants to stay away from her husband. Honestly, I believe it started before the pact, which means, she had gradually fallen out of love with Inuyasha for some time. She hasn’t realized that yet. Or more precisely, as a wife who is supposed to love her husband and remain faithful, she forbids herself to realize it.
    And I think her attraction to Sesshoumaru was formed a very long time ago. It was faint, and she might not know its existence. However, her subconscious must have acknowledged Sesshoumaru’s feelings.
    Can’t say I blame her. In truth, Sesshoumaru is pretty obvious about it (as obvious as being Sesshoumaru 😉 ). Especially that one time he asked if she loved Inuyasha and used her cup to drink. I think that’s the most obvious move he had made, since she was not married yet.

    1. Ahh such a great breakdown of Inuyasha’s character – I agree on so many points. With the kind of upbringing (or lack thereof…) and practically non-existent relationship experience he has had prior to Kagome & the Inu-taichi, it’s really no wonder he’s rife with jealousy and insecurities. The fact that he didn’t turn out to be a total monster is a testament to what a good heart he has – but his abrasive personality and behavior still seem like major hurdles for anyone to overcome…even Kagome.

      The times were so very different back then. Women were viewed as little more than property – I’m sure even by the most open-minded of men. For Inuyasha to try to impose those cultural standards on Kagome would be suffocating to say the least 🙁 as you pointed out, he KNOWS that she comes from a completely different background.

      Still, there are wrongs being committed on both sides here, which makes the situation that much more murky. Both Inuyasha and Kagome have tempers on them, too. There’s really no excuse for Inuyasha flying off the rails like he does, but damn if a good dose of heartbreak, anger and alcohol won’t bring it out of even the best of us haha

      I love the Freudian aspects you bring up! The subconscious – and especially the role our subconscious desires play in our everyday lives – has always been incredibly interesting to me! People are extremely good at consciously downplaying their true desires. It always amazes me how deeply mired people can be in their denial…myself included lol

      Anyway, so very much appreciate this 1st part of your review – you always make such keen insights! On to the next!! 🙂 <3

  7. The necklace is a wedding gift. But the interaction between them when he gave her is oddly intimate. Ah what I won’t give to see THE look he gave her. Sesshoumaru tried to take back the necklace when he thought she didn’t like it. Awww he is just like a guy who is nervous to give a gift to the girl he loves.

    All these memories, Kagome stored it away. If there was no attraction or her subconscious did not acknowledge Sesshoumaru’s feelings, she would forget it with no second thought. Instead, she buried the necklace in the closet, as she buried that knowledge in the bottom of her mind.

    Subconscious is an interesting thing. In there lies people’s deepest secrets, and things their consciousness don’t know.

    Kagome is doing her best to remain faithful to her husband. But you can’t help who you’re attracted to. It is not intentional.

    I found it amusing that in Ch.13, she convinced herself that Sesshoumaru doesn’t like her, it’s all in her imagination. However, in Ch.14, she seems totally forget about that. It’s getting harder to stay in denial, huh?
    When she pleasured herself, she pretends it is Sesshoumaru’s hand inside of her and takes him in her mouth (that’s my interpretation of Ch.14, hope it’s right hehe…). Ah if only she can admit it.

    When Inuyasha embarrassed her in front of others, she only cares about the fact that Sesshoumaru is not there. Like a normal girl who doesn’t want the man she likes see her embarrassment. 😉

    She doesn’t fight back when Inuyasha calls her a whore, that’s probably what she conceived herself now.
    I fear she won’t tell others if Inuyasha hurt her. She is not the type but she feels guilty about the pact. Now more than ever, Sesshoumaru needs to save her. I think domestic abuse is something that will destroy her, both physically and mentally.

    As for Sesshoumaru, funny how Inuyasha and Kagome say it has nothing to do with him. But it has everything to do with him. He is the reason why Kagome and Inuyasha have a fight. Besides, Sesshoumaru is definitely not okay with Inuyasha’s “my own woman” comment. Poor Sess. I know Kagome still cares about Inuyasha and will defend him when he is hurt. But it still hurt. 🙁

    Kagome’s wedding ring pales in comparison with the necklace Sesshoumaru gives her. The same goes for her current marriage and what Sess can offer.

    I agree with Doug. Under any circumstance, it won’t be easy for Inuyasha to let Kagome go. And losing her to his brother? Inuyasha definitely won’t take their betrayals well. If Sesshoumaru and Kagome want to be together, they may need to over Inuyasha’s dead body. I’m afraid there is no other way. *sigh*

    The ending of anime doesn’t bother me that much. After all, nothing unexpected. It certainly doesn’t stop me from shipping SessKag.
    And the last episode where Kagome calls Sesshoumaru brother, it fuels my shipping flames! Therefore, I have a thing for post-canon stories.

    Although there are only a few Sesskag stories that actually featuring Inuyasha and Kagome as a married couple. And they are either oneshots or discontinued. (Blame is oneshot and Inuyasha was barely in the story. 🙂 )

    So basically, this is the story I’ve wanted for years! I’m glad it’s you who write it, Char. <3
    And 3 chapters in 5 days, I’m blessed. lol

    omg this is way longer than I initially wanted, can’t stop rambling haha

    1. OMG Doris – I can’t thank you enough for this incredible review (well, series of reviews!!) 🙂 Seriously, I’m blown away. Itching to give you a detailed reply, but sadly a long day of work has turned my brain to mush…so I will follow up tomorrow when my mind is fresh! <3

      Just wanted to drop you a quick note right now to say how much I appreciate you taking the time and effort to share your thoughts! <3 Have a wonderful Friday evening!! 🙂

    2. “But you can’t help who you’re attracted to.” – so much THIS. Boy, if we got to rationally choose who we fall in love with, life would be like a million times easier 🙂

      So glad you liked the flashback with the necklace! And the scene after 😉 Absolutely love your interpretation of the events! Once again, it’s conscious vs. subconscious…hehe 🙂

      And such a great observation about Kagome during the party fiasco – also totally agree she’s not the type to remotely take any abuse like that in silence, but given the situation…yeah. it’s just not good :/

      Also so glad you enjoyed the irony during Inuyasha & Kagome’s confrontation with Sesshoumaru. 🙂

      I’m smiling as you mention ‘Blame’ – you know, that was the first SessKag fanfic I ever wrote (originally back in 2011 or so, I believe haha). I re-read it a couple of months ago for posterity’s sake and really wish I had made it a longer story. Maybe ‘The Pact’ in some ways is my response to that – although they are still 2 pretty different tales. 🙂

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts – and your kinds words!! I seriously can’t tell you enough 🙂 I feel blessed to know that you’re enjoying my stories – thanks again, Doris! Have an awesome weekend!! <3

  8. He knows. He mentioned the scar because he knows that she is leaving to meet with someone else. I don’t think Inuyasha thinks that she’s sleeping with that person, but he knows she isn’t going to some nunnery. That sad look when he threatened her confirms it.

    Surprised no one went to see what the crash was considering she left with a very drunk and borderline violent Inuyasha trailing after. Sesshomaru was right to step in, but he also used a little too much force to make Kagome consider what was happening.

    So many relationship no-nos in one story… I can’t take it.

    1. “So many relationship no-nos in one story” – hahaha pretty much

      Love your analysis of Inuyasha in this chapter! And yeah, good point about the crash…maybe after Kagome/Inuyasha left everybody else started hitting the booze to deal with that trainwreck situation XD

      Thanks again!! <3

  9. Wait. I thought it was a memory, but Kagome mentioned restocking on tampons and Inuyasha can still go through the well because he got the liquor for the party. So~ Question: How can Inuyasha still go to the future, but they can’t sell a few if Jared’s old things to get e money to do in vitro?

    1. Interesting question you bring up! Lol, it would seem that Kagome went straight to plan Z with all this, didn’t she? 😉

  10. You have me blown away YET again, Char, at how unbelievably talented you are! You caught my attention with ‘Stasis’, got me highly intrigued with ‘Transgressions’, and now have me completely devoted with ‘The Pact’. Your ability to set a particular mood and then develop Sesshomaru and Kagome within that setting is unparalleled by any other fanfic writer. I will focus on Sesshomaru since I feel his character is the most challenging, because to adhere to canon you cannot utilize covert emotion or much conversation to develop his character’s personality and relationships. Through these 3 stories I have witnessed 3 completely different Sesshomarus-yet all 3 are ‘canon Sesshomaru’ to the core. The icing on the cake is how you can utilize your HOT HOT HOT sex scenes to be integral to that character development (and the plot as well, as other commentors have mentioned in ‘Transgressions’). Of course you develop Kagome beautifully in the same fashion, yet I’m not going to detail this because she’s fucking my man right now, so I’m a bit jealous- lol! I’m addicted and now respectfully requesting more ‘fixes’ of this story as well. (oh what you’ve done to me) ::sigh::

    1. Ahh! I’m so honored!! – seriously 🙂 I can’t express enough how much I appreciate the feedback & encouragement! <3 Thank you so much for taking the time, Sage!!

      I, too, care particularly about the development of Sesshoumaru's character precisely because he IS such a tough character to pen down! So it's incredibly heartening to hear that you've enjoyed my various interpretations of him 🙂 I do love experimenting with him so much! haha

      And a thousand thanks for the compliments on the sex scenes! I do try very hard to make them hot and meaningful lolol

      I really can't wait to hop back on this story (right now, real life is not cutting me much slack, and so the energy I have is going almost entirely into 'Transgresssions' lol) !! To be honest, I think 'The Pact' may be my best work yet 🙂 But ultimately that's for y'all to decide!

      Anyway, thanks so much again!! you've really brightened my rainy day 🙂 <3

  11. Oh and as an afterthought, although I’ve been reading Inuyasha fanfiction for years and enjoyed many stories, for some reason I realize now I have never reviewed or commented before. Please take THIS as another much deserved compliment, that in all these years I suddenly felt the need to show my admiration and bestow my thanks to an author who has stood out to me above all others.

  12. i am so loving your stories. i they are the BEST ever!!; i think that one day inuyasha is going to figure it out and i hope she is long gone when he does. i just hope inuyasha won’t go after someone else and do harm to them. i think kagome should have leave. if he’s acting this way now, what’s he gonna’ do when he finds out the truth?; i know she wants a baby, but this is the wrong way to do it. i mean she can still go back and forth through the well can’t she?; why not take inuyasha to a bank for some of his spunk and do invitro there and once she’s pregnant go back to the fuedal era. that’s what i would do, just an idea. keep up the great writing. c’ya’

    1. Aw thanks so much!! <3 So glad you're enjoying the story 🙂 🙂 Yeah, I don't think Inuyasha would be too happy to find this out, that's for sure haha

      Thanks so much again for sharing & hope you enjoy future updates...! <3

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