SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 34 (Explicit)

This entry is part 34 of 119 in the series Daily Transgressions [Complete]

Days later, Sesshoumaru could still smell her on his skin, feel her phantom touch caressing him beneath his clothes.

He was as mad for her as he had ever been, perhaps more. What had sated him in the moment had left him ravaged with want in the wake of it. Restlessly, he prowled his territories, striking down man and demon alike for the slightest offenses, projecting her face onto those of his victims, until his blood cooled and his rage dimmed—settling at last into a deep, brooding shame.

It was not her fault, he conceded. He should have let her be, that day in the woods. But he had pressed her–had pressed them both. She was far from blameless, but in this she was exempt. He accepted responsibility for what had taken place between them, reluctant though he was to acknowledge it, even to himself.

What shamed him more than his loss of restraint was the outcome of it. Instead of just taking the girl, he had merely assisted her. His focus, he realized, had been on her pleasure–not his own. This realization was as debasing as the acts of self-release he had resorted to engaging in since crossing paths with her.

Even now as he remembered the tight wet clutch of her sex, the parting of her rosy lips, the sheen of desire in her azure eyes, his claws itched to close around his stiffening length. It was beneath him to attend to himself in this way. Only those too weak to secure a female needed to seek relief in such a manner. He was a daiyoukai–the Lord of the Western Lands. To satisfy his urges, he needed only to choose.

A demon bitch was eyeing him at this very moment. They always were–and always before, he had used them as he saw fit. His eyes snapped to her, and she tensed warily. This one was attractive enough, he supposed. Dark lustrous hair, porcelain skin, curvaceous figure–her lips were too red, and her eyes were as well, but she would suffice.

In an instant he was upon her, forcing her to the ground on her knees. There was no need to hold back his strength, and his claws scored her thighs as he ripped away the silvery fabric of her kimono, baring her to his view. She hissed in feigned protest, glancing back at him slyly as she raised her hips.

His eyes narrowed as he shoved her head down again. “Keep your face from my sight.”

With a huff, she submitted, spreading herself for him with two long crimson nails. He knocked her hand aside, not needing this superfluous display. Without preamble, he wrenched himself free, the raised plate of his armor grating against her back as he sheathed himself inside her.

She moaned in an obvious parody of pleasure, Sesshoumaru’s lips thinning at the sound. He could smell her blood in the air, little more than it slickening his course as he began to move within her.

“Oh, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she simpered, “it feels so good…”

“Be silent,” he growled, “or I will tear out your tongue.”

Sulkily, she obeyed, though even her helpless whimpers at his increasing speed grated on his patience. Her voice was wrong. Her scent was wrong. But most wrong of all was how she felt—her skin was not as soft, her body not as warm, her grip around him not nearly as satisfying as Kagome’s.


Just the thought of her was more alluring than anything this demoness had to offer. His desire took on that sharp, familiar edge as he surrendered to his obsession, his mind supplanting Kagome beneath him instead. The bitch’s youki flared at his sudden fervor, and he grit his fangs in irritation, thinking now that his hand would have been better after all.

Yet his pleasure was mounting within him, spilling from him as he pulled out of her with a snarl. His seed poured out across the snowy earth, the bitch landing in a heap as he pushed her away from him in disgust.

“Did I please you, my lord?” she asked him demurely as she drew herself up.

Righting his clothes and armor, he stood, glaring down at her. “Leave,” he said, “before I kill you.”

With a fearful nod, she rose as well, disappearing in a wisp of smoke. More discontent than ever before, he turned his bitter gaze toward Edo village.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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13 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 34 (Explicit)

  1. finally! god bless these updates. i loved his partying words on part 33; and i thought exactly the same as sesshoumaru reading the last chapter: he focused on her instead of on him. im loving this smutty love/hate development, from enemies to lovers will always be my number one romantic plot.

    i dont think that kagome will know about this; surely she would be somehow dissapointed even if there is nothing romantic to them yet -even from her (slow burn 10/10). either way, now i want kouga to make appearence to make sesshoumaru jealous, lol. you cant have it both ways buddy

    1. Yay! – so glad you’re liking the progression of their relationship! 🙂

      And yeah, I don’t think Kagome would be too happy to learn about this either lol…

      Thanks so much for sharing, girl! <3 so happy you’re enjoying the slow burn haha!

  2. Oh hell no, he didn’t. Stupid demon.

    Kagome will be upset if she finds out. If he wants relief, all he has to do is ask her nicely.

    I hope Kouga shows up. His intentions have always been crystal clear. Koiga doesn’t do angst well. Wolf boy wants her. Period.

    Seshoumaru needs a wake up call. He is not the only available demon out there. And if I remember right, Kagome was often a magnet for these males – demons or humans.

    1. Right on all counts 🙂

      Lots of love for Kouga out there! I’ll just say that I haven’t forgotten about him lol 😉

      Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Hm. Chapter 34 is massively unfortunate. Did he just devolve into a horny 16 year old? He wants Kagome, she very openly wants him, they even get off together, and then he screws a complete stranger for…what? Literally no reason. Ew. Thanks for the read, though. It was a fun buildup but I’m going to move on now, too. There’s no coming back from this grossed-out feeling.

    1. Aw, sorry to hear that 🙁 For Sesshoumaru this was clearly an act of desperation. He has been and still is going through a total identity crisis because of the powerful attraction he feels to Kagome. I usually try not to explain my writing because I like to leave things open for interpretation, but the point of this scene was to show that he CAN’T replace Kagome. That bitch he was fucking might as well have been his hand because she meant absolutely nothing, and the only way he got off was by imagining he was with Kagome instead.

      Anyway, sorry again to hear that you’re done with the story because of this scene, but I do feel that it’s integral to the progression of their overall relationship. And this is, as advertised, a rather dark, gritty SessKag story. 🙂

      1. Then maybe he should have jacked off til he had bruises, and realized he can’t do it without her.

        Anyone could argue that they aren’t together, and that’s why this shouldn’t “count” but mature adults don’t hump/masturbate-with/finger the girl they technically LIVE with, make innuendo-laced promises to her, recognize her feelings for him and act on them, then shrug it off and go get their dick wet with someone else despite the lack of urge to even complete the act.

        It’s a pretty flimsy and juvenile excuse, frankly.

        It’s not like it was one-sided feelings, and he was fighting it alone and caved in. He’s used Kagome already. Multiple times, if not with actual penetration. If he’s planning to confess what he did, then he’s just disgusting. And if he doesn’t plan to admit what he did, then this was literally pointless sex with a stranger, and he’s still disgusting.

        I genuinely wish I didn’t get email updates from here. I never planned to come back, ever. This story already did its job to deter me from angsty teenager dramas that have no real logic.

  4. Really hate this feeling ughhh. Still don’t count this as cheating since they’re not yet together. But please please please tell me that this will be the last time this happens. This story is literally my life right now. I don’t even wanna know what’ll happen if kagome knows. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s update.

    1. Yeahhh it’s a sick feeling for me too
      🙁 even though like you mentioned, they still aren’t together…that said, I wouldn’t anticipate Sesshoumaru doing something like *this* again lol.

      Anyway, thanks so much for your feedback! So happy you’ve been following along with the story & hope you enjoy the future updates 🙂

  5. Uh oh! Sesshoumaru’s got it bad lol. So bad, he could have probably just gone to the Object of His Obsession for fun times instead of looking for other outlets. But he’s still working out his issues, so I totally get it.

    Kagome would probably not like to find out about this… IF she finds out haha.

    Well done with this fic! I always look forward to your updates for this story. It brightens my day! Keep up the awesome work!

    1. Thank you!! I think you hit the nail right on the head 🙂

      So very glad you’ve been enjoying the updates!! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts <3

  6. Honestly I’m not overly upset with Sesshoumaru. Sure I wish it didn’t happen. But the guy is clearly still in denial. And people tend to do stupid things when they refuse to admit their true feelings.
    The point is what Sesshoumaru will realize after this. It shows how deep his obsession goes.
    We all know he needs to admit to himself that his obsession is more than a physical attraction. Actually he is now one step closer to that realization.
    As long as this interlude serves its purpose, i don’t mind it at all. Besides, Kagome and Sesshoumaru are not officially together.

    However, something is best left unknown. Plz don’t let Kagome know it. She won’t take it well, and i don’t blame her. But as a reader, I care more about the whole story. 🙂

    1. “And people tend to do stupid things when they refuse to admit their true feelings.” – this, exactly 🙂 been there, done that, got the t-shirt myself lol.

      really appreciate you sharing your perspective <3 couldn't agree more with the points you make. hope you enjoy the next part...! 🙂

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