Updates Underway

Hey guys! Well, as usual I’m behind on things. The family trip wiped me out, then work hit me like a sledgehammer upon my return, so I’ve been feeling like a zombie for the past few weeks, which makes posting rather difficult. Every day I’ve kept thinking, today will be the day I update! – only to keep kicking the can down the road. So this is an update that there’s no updates, which sucks, but at least y’all know I haven’t forgotten about the blog (so far from from it!! *sobs*).

Maybe someday I’ll get a less demanding day-job, ha…

But enough bitching 🙂 The good news is, I’ve still been stringing together a few sentences here and there, and with things hopefully calming down this week, I should have some updates posted soon! Managed to finish hammering out a few (steamy) side-stories for Control as well as some progress on the main series – so maybe that will be some consolation 😉

It’s exciting and bittersweet to be embarking on the final arc of Control very soon! Don’t hold me to it (obviously with my track record lol), but I’m shooting to have the series wrapped up by Christmas. Without a doubt this has been my most ambitious project (plot-wise) to date. Appreciate so much the support and patience y’all have shown throughout the years with this endeavor! And thanks so much in particular to all of you who commented on the latest side-story, Another Time, Perhaps <3

(One thing I did manage to actually update today was the Control Chronology & Reading Guide, so check that out to see how this and the other side-stories fit into the Control-verse 🙂 )

Take care out there, and thanks again! <3