SessKag Series: Control, Part 140 (Explicit)

This entry is part 140 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

In her dreams, Kagome knelt at his side.

While he drank from the cup she had given him, she simply watched him, waiting in breathless anticipation for him to notice her, for him to acknowledge her in the slightest. But his eyes were fixed somewhere beyond her. She was restless, desperate for him. She was frozen there, waiting upon some sign.

When she awoke she felt frozen still. Sesshoumaru was heavy at her back, as he always was now. Slipping out from under him, Kagome pulled on her robe and padded toward the hearth.

While she brewed her tea, he stretched and sat upright. By the time she returned with her cup, his slitted eyes were fastened upon her. Blowing off the steam, Kagome drank a few sips before he took the cup from her and tipped the rest of the contents down his throat with a grimace.

“Fetch me some water,” he had the gall to say after.

Kagome glared at him. “Fetch it yourself.”

Sesshoumaru’s gaze darkened. The sheet hung so low around his hips Kagome felt distinctly on edge. She could see how things would go if she kept raising her back to him—the two of them tangled up together, spending themselves against one another in furious, heated stalemate. When he reached for her, she twisted away and got him the goddamned water he’d asked for.

“Drink it and go,” she said, crossing her arms. “I have places to be, you know.”

Sesshoumaru’s eyes slid aside in clear dismissal. Lowering the cup from his lips, his gaze strayed glinting back to her.

“What?” she snapped.

“I was only thinking of tonight,” he said, “and how you will taste.”

Kagome bristled, pointing toward the door. “Out,” she said.

Eyes glinting still, Sesshoumaru left. Kagome turned defiantly upon her heel as he did so. But there was a certain futility in all this that even in her stubborn defiance she still couldn’t shake.

The day passed in its usual blur. She relegated herself to her grand holy hall. Ensconced there like the rest of the statues, she held her audiences with an attitude of similar aloofness. Her mind was elsewhere. On tonight, like Sesshoumaru’s had been. Occasionally her feverish thoughts would snap back to the present and she would feel uncomfortably like an imposter in her own skin. But then her mind would detach mercifully again.

And again, and again.

For him there was only seething resentment. But he ate it all up as she ground into his face, into his hands, into the hard broad span of his cock. Clenching her teeth on her cries, she came with a vengeance he seemed to revel in as much as she did—in the animosity, the perversity, the infuriating, self-imposed denial of it all.

Intimacy without intimacy. Whenever his mouth pressed too close to hers, she turned her face away. Whenever she thought he would dare to try and breach her, he raked tortuously over her hot slick holes instead.

Brother‘ and ‘sister‘ were the filthiest of the curses they exchanged. Somehow the absurdity made it all the more vile—all the more irresistible in the dark heat of the moment.

Kagome felt apathetic to her daytime concerns. Consumed in her own private twisted war of attrition, she barely noticed the turning of the season, let alone the other changes that were taking place around her. Only belatedly did she see that new fortifications had been raised, new districts had sprung up out of nothing. She would demand to know who had authorized this and that—only to learn that often she herself had, in some foggy moment of half-awareness.

Then with a sick feeling she would shrug it off, and forget it all over again.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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10 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Control, Part 140 (Explicit)

  1. Hmmm… very interesting. This exchange of cups seems to be becoming a motif but to be honest I don’t really understand what it’s getting at. Now that Kagome seems to be losing time (reminds me of Hannibal lol), how much time has passed within this chapter? And are the people on the outside (Rin, Kohaku, Sango, etc) noticing this change in Kagome? Will she come back to herself only to discover Ren and Rin’s (yikes what a name combo) wedding is taking place soon? And are Kagome and Sesshoumar’s (apparently now nightly) sexual escapades continuing to escalate? They’ve gone from him begging to taste her from her finger to full-on frottage and cunnilingus–what’s next? It seems Sesshoumaru is teasing Kagome with something she claims not to want. I assume he will not fully penetrate her or knot her or whatever until they are bound together, but it seems intercourse is a requisite for that process anyway. So who exactly is waiting on who here? Frustrating but wonderful as usual. Thanks for sharing, Char!

    1. Love Hannibal! XD

      Yep the passing of time is vague from Kagome’s POV – “losing time” is really a great way to put it 🙂

      As always love the questions, Alex! Sorry to be frustrating (I frustrate myself lol), but so glad you’re enjoying the updates! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this scene <3

  2. Hes worked his way in there, and now they have a whole thing going. At first, i thought sesshoumaru was trying to ease her into withstanding his viscous D, but after last chapter i thought maybe he was training her to be his dom lol. Now, i cant see what his angle is.

    Also, i keep wondering if there is a good side/part of him being overruled by the rest of him due to several hints along the way. I need to reread with fresh eyes, but something tells me i wont know until we find out exactly what happened That Night.

    I hope this finds you well 🙂

    1. 😉 yep yep, there’s still one installment of That Night to go – and hopefully it will provide some revelations to tie it all together! But in the meantime I’m gonna keep stringing you along, I’m sorry to say XD

      Thanks so much for sharing your take on this scene and the story so far, susie! I’m doing pretty well and hope you are too!! <3

  3. Kagome is slowly but surely walking to the dark side and I am enjoying every step she’s taking! Only a certain amount of time before the shadows consume what it once used to covet.

    1. “Kagome is slowly but surely walking to the dark side and I am enjoying every step she’s taking!” woohoo, I’m so glad to hear it!! Thanks so much, Blackberry <3 <3 <3

  4. Oh sexual frustration….you are such a bitch. He is just loving filling this dark need in her. This dark hunger. She is starving for his…well you know. Well him in general. Hell if something like that wants me and it was only a matter of time till it happens before they ‘nourished’ me, I’d fast forEVER!!

    On the other hand, I am concerned that their equally twisted perversity is not damaging them both more. It’s already giving me chills as to where this could go. She’s jerking her responsibilities. She’s not even paying attention to the rest of her ‘family’.

    1. Yeeeep she’s got Sesshoumaru on the brain all right XD

      “She is starving for his…well you know. ” XDD

      So loved hearing your take on this scene, Pebbs! Thanks so much for sharing <3

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