SessKag Series: Control, Part 93

This entry is part 93 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

In that severed head Kagome glimpsed another.

The image exploded red behind her eyes. The roar in her ears was deafening. Her stomach lurched as she reeled away, panic clawing at her throat. Her palm clamped to her mouth in frozen horror.

At her shoulder, a touch—the warmth and weight of it familiar. Hunched, she scrabbled for it, her fingers bloodless and seizing. The grip steadied her, and she sucked in a ragged breath. Then, haltingly, another.

“Just keep breathing, Kagome—it’ll pass.” Kohaku’s voice seemed to float around her, before it sharpened aside. “Her husband was beheaded,” he was explaining shortly to someone. “Take that filth away.”

Another voice, Ren’s—”…Ah.” There was the sound of metal plates clinking as he turned. “You heard the lad, fellows—we’ve offended the lady. Pack it up.”

As the bolt on the cart door slid heavily shut, Kagome straightened and wiped at her eyes. Kohaku’s hand drifted from her shoulder.

“Are you all right?” he muttered to her.

Kagome nodded stiffly, and as that loathsome first cart trundled away, she cast a scathing glance toward the others. “What’s in the rest of these—more cut-up bandits?”

Ren smirked faintly, waving them forward. “Something far easier on the eyes, Kagome-sama—that I promise.”

By now, with no sounds of battle to be heard, bystanders had started to peek out through door curtains and window shutters and even creep hesitantly out into the streets. As the rest of the carts were brought forward, hushed voices whispered to one another in speculation. Kagome kept her gaze fixed coolly forward, though she wasn’t any less curious than they were.

As the covers on the carts were removed, the mutterings grew distinct—into gasps and exclamations of surprise. Kagome’s own eyes widened. The wary tension remaining in her dissipated at the sight. Within the carts was a veritable treasure trove—not only of gold and valuables, but of foodstuffs, tools and tonics, textiles and other dry goods. It was a bandit’s stash, accumulated over weeks of robbing merchants, travelers and refugees. It was a blood prize paid for several times over, and it was about to change the fortunes of many a survivor living here.

Kagome’s eyes rose to Ren’s, and whatever her look held within it set his own brassy gaze aglow. With deliberate slowness, he approached her.

“There’s more yet, Kagome-sama,” he said, in a tone of such silken intimacy that it raised goosebumps on her arms in anticipation—

But nothing could have prepared her for what happened next.

His hand fell to his sword hilt, and the point of Kohaku’s blade was at his jugular so fast she could have blinked and missed it. Ren swallowed tightly. Kagome recoiled in alarm. But as if anticipating all of this, the rounin merely smiled and sank to his knees, his gaze never leaving hers for an instant. Eyes narrowed, Kohaku eased off, though only slightly.

A bead of blood, so deep and crimson, trickled down the tanned skin of Ren’s throat. Ever so carefully he unsheathed his blade. Bowed before her, he held it flat and aloft in the palms of his hands, as his men knelt low to the ground behind him.

“Edo has no lord, this is true,” the rounin said, his resonant voice resounding in the quiet that had descended over the crowd. “Yet it has a lady—a holy protector who has raised it from a scattering of miserable hovels to a beacon of safety and prosperity that shines throughout the land. It is a city on the rise, and I would see it rise higher still, Kagome-sama, in sworn service to you.” Deftly, he brought the point of his katana to the cut Kohaku had made, and as his blood flowed fresh along the edge, Kagome’s breath stilled. “Will you have me, my lady—me, and these warriors of mine?”

The taijiya’s sword trembled in his fist as his gaze slashed to her, his words gruff with urgency. “We must discuss this.”

Kagome’s eyes met his, clear and hard. “But we already have, earlier today when it was decided the militia couldn’t be spared to police the region when its top priority is to protect the town. That’s a militia’s job, and I agree with you. The responsibility of defending the East lies elsewhere—with me, and the soldiers of my choosing.” Before he could say anything in reply to this, she turned to Ren. “I accept your oath of service, heichou.”

With a proud smile, Ren sheathed his sword and stood, no longer a rounin, but a samurai captain once more. As the crowd erupted into cheers for them both, Kagome’s mind whirled, heady with disbelief. With exhilaration.

She had a samurai

She had a samurai and an army.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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11 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Control, Part 93

  1. It took me a second to remember that Inuyasha was beheaded. You described it so artfully are the time I must have passed it over. Nice to see Kohaku showing a moment of compassion, short lived though it may be. It seems that everything is going according to Sesshoumaru’s plans—Kagome is rapidly leveling the playing field—soon she will be a force to be reckoned with on her own and no one could possibly object to her being his mate and consolidating their power. I assume that is where this is going anyway lol. Can’t wait for the return of Sesshoumaru!

    1. Thanks, Alex!! Glad you enjoyed Kohaku’s moment of compassion and are excited for the return of our favorite dog demon lord lol 🙂

      Love hearing your take, as always! <3

  2. I love my Kagome and Sesshoumaru pairing, but let me make myself very clear… Ren can get it! LMAO! Kagome needs to tap that one time and get rid of the sexual tension. Wheeew chile. She’s got herself and army and a leader that’s got the hots for her. Ren vs. Sesshoumaru. Obvi I’m going with Sesshoumaru, but he needs competition every now and again to stay on his toes.

    1. Kohaku, Sesshoumaru and Ren, so much competition for one miko.
      One that is becoming more power hungry, what fallout will have Kohaku and Kagome…..Kohaku and Ren… and our favorite Inu Sesshoumaru.
      Let’s not forget that Touga -Tashio died from a wound induced by a samurai that was in love with Izayoi. Well he had a fight with the dragon Ryukotsusei which he sealed.

      Now For kohaku the power he had is gone or really reduced by a woman, even as a miko it will affect his ego, what will be his answering to that…. lead it to almost having hate sex… please. She drunk… again…
      In that time 16 is an adult and many women had children at that age , but for kagome he is an adolescent in this time standards.

      I’m desiring for a chapter with that so much.

      1. Love hearing your thoughts, Mari!! <3

        Hope you enjoy where the series goes from here <3 <3

    2. Hahaha! Love it XDDD

      Nothing wrong with a little rivalry, amirite? (who am i kidding, i live for that stuff lolol)

      <3 <3

  3. Who says you have to choose, Kagome?! Have your way with all three of em!

    I wonder where Hirokin’s been up to this whole time, btw. 🙂

  4. Just one more thing to push Kagome’s desire for power over the edge. Need Sesshomaru to show up and put her back in her place. Or is he watching her through that dog? I don’t think the dog is Sesshomaru disguised but I feel like there’s something unnatural about it and possibly his minion or a familiar? Sorta how Koga had the wolf minions? Hmmm maybe not, sometimes a dog is just a dog.

    Ren is something else – as a samurai and making that oath there is a very strict code of honor that goes hand in hand upon serving a lord, or in this case, high priestess. I don’t know that he would try to get into Kagome’s pants as he does see her as a spiritual leader. I wonder if he will lose all respect if her true nature is revealed? Or is he corrupt and obsessed enough already that he’ll idolize to the point of ignoring her less spiritual sides? Can’t wait to see where this goes!!!

    1. Yay, I’m so happy to hear it! Can’t wait to share the rest 🙂

      Love the insights on Ren and samurai culture (definitely a subject of fascination for me 🙂 ). And love the questions surrounding the dog as well!

      Hope things are going well for you and yours, Molly! <3 <3

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