9 thoughts on “Coronavirus Preparedness

  1. I actually added tequila to my list of stockables *don’t judge me* lol

    Hoping for the same of everyone else.

    Don’t panic.
    Stay cautious.
    Be safe!

  2. Writing from Italy…….Stocking beer and wine, just to be super safe. Keep me in your prayers, if you can. We’ll all be fine and things will get better soon. I’m positive. But, please, stay at home and follow those simple hygiene rules we all know since forever.
    Stay safe, Char, and everyone else here.
    Much Love

    1. Thank you, Sab <3 <3 Excellent advice to keep in mind πŸ™‚

      Take care over there, friend - will be thinking of you <3

  3. You’re funny. Glad you’re okay. We bought three bottles of tequila and vodka to go with the leftover New Year’s wine. I always keep tons of food on hand, but still managed to completely run out of crackers, this morning. 😭

    1. Oh no! Lol hope you were able to restock on the crackers πŸ™‚ Booze doesn’t tend to last long around our house, no matter how much have on hand. Ha…

      Anyway, great to hear from you, girl! Y’all keep safe & healthy!!

      <3 <3

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