Help! I’m Alive

Happy Halloween, y’all! I know it’s belated, just like everything I do, but just thought I’d drop a line on this most lovely of holidays to let you know that I’m still alive – and writing! – despite my recent lack of posts.

So what’s been going on with me? Well, long story short I’ve been going through some major work and life changes. I’m transitioning to full-time remote work as of early this week, which should be awesome because I’ll have more time for WRITING!! πŸ˜€ Seriously, it’s great. I can’t wait until things settle down because I have so many half-finished works I’m dying to share with y’all!

As for the other major change – I’m super-excited to say that the BF and I are on the verge of closing on a home about 500 miles away and will be moving sometime around the end of November/beginning of December. So yeah…it’s been a bit nuts the past month. I hope y’all will continue to bear with me over the next month or so! Trust me that I’m itching to get back into a daily posting routine once again!! πŸ™‚

So for now, I’ll leave you with this bit of fiction – The Amazing Bat-Cat!

…till next time <3

12 thoughts on “Help! I’m Alive

  1. Hey! I was getting a little worried. Congratulations on the remote job. I’ve been trying to land one for a bit, but everything seems spammy. Glad you’ve found something legitimate.

    A house?! Awesome~ β™₯️ I’m so happy for both of you. A 500 mile trek is a lot though. I got nervous about not seeing my belongings when moving from the Bronx to Westchester (like 50 miles). LOL Wishing you lots of luck and patience in cleaning, sorting, and packing. When it’s about time to leave, be sure to pack an extra overnight bag with two extra pairs of undies, some loungewear, and socks.

    Your cat is going to get you for that πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    1. Thanks so much!! <3 <3 Yes, there's so much to do in preparation for this move - it's overwhelming! Just trying to take it one day at a time lol

      And Mr. Kitty got his revenge the next day by tipping the trash can over -_- gotta love em!! πŸ˜€

  2. So glad to hear that you are ok. I was really worried. Fantastic news about the gig and your new home!

    1. Thanks so much!! Luckily our timeline for the move has been accelerated, so it’s gonna be hectic for another 3 weeks or so and then hopefully we’ll be all settled in πŸ™‚


  3. I’m an avid reader and have been checking each day. You’re easily my favorite author. I’m glad you’re okay and healthy and thriving. I’ll admit I was a little worried. I’m rooting for you. I would be glad if you gave us updates along with your regular posts once and a while. Take care and good luck with everything.

    1. Aw thank you, Eden! I appreciate it so much πŸ™‚ I will try to update between now and the move as best I can – and then once the move is over, I’ll be back around a lot more πŸ™‚


  4. That’s so great to hear!!! Congrats on both and no worries, we’ll be here when you’re ready. Life comes first <3

  5. Congratulations on all the wonderful changes! Writers like you are found only once in a blue moon so take your time, we’ll be here re-reading “Transgressions”:DD

    1. Aw man you’re making me blush!! Thank you, friend! I’m super excited (and more than a little overwhelmed lol) – and so ready to get back to writing!! πŸ˜€

      Enjoy the re-reading in the meantime haha! πŸ˜‰


  6. So glad things are going well! Keep it up! Cute cat btw. I can’t wait for you to get things settled and get back to writing! In the mean time, I’ll be keeping myself busy with other sub-par fanfiction compared to yours, but only because I’ve already read everything you’ve posted. I just can’t seem to find another Darkfic that gets me all riled up like YOURS!!! LOL! Anyways, good luck with the house/job/BF/bat cat/etc! We’re all super excited for you!

    1. Thank you!! It’s been driving me crazy to leave my darkfics hanging lol!

      And thank you so much for your email – it’s the reason why I got my act together and put up this post! πŸ™‚ Seriously appreciate you reaching out <3 And I hope you're doing well, so sorry to hear you were impacted by the fires πŸ™ (hugs)

      Take care - and sending those sweet well wishes right back at you! <3 <3

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